

Ed SheeranがThe tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallonに出演しています。彼の娘の話やElton Johnとのコラボについて話をしています。



00:00:01 ~ 00:00:03 -Nice to see you at number one. Not too shabby, buddy.
not too shabby 〈米話〉素晴らしい、立派な、良い出来の◆shabbyを強く発音

00:00:03 ~ 00:00:05 -You know… -[ Cheers and applause ]

00:00:05 ~ 00:00:08 -Can I say before we start — So, every time I come here,

00:00:08 ~ 00:00:11 Jimmy puts a kind of gift basket in my room,

00:00:11 ~ 00:00:13 and it’s always so sweet and thought out.
think out 考え抜く、熟考する、よく考える

00:00:13 ~ 00:00:14 It’s giving me a vinyl.
vinyl 〈米俗〉レコード盤

00:00:14 ~ 00:00:16 It’s, like, a letter to my daughter and stuff.

00:00:16 ~ 00:00:18 I just want to say it’s really nice. Really nice.

00:00:18 ~ 00:00:21 -Aw. Geez. Thank you. Thank you, man. Please.

00:00:21 ~ 00:00:24 I thought you were gonna make fun of what I gave you.

00:00:24 ~ 00:00:27 By the way, I just want to tell you

00:00:27 ~ 00:00:29 that your daughter is just the most beautiful thing.

00:00:29 ~ 00:00:30 -Thank you. -Congratulations on being a dad.

00:00:30 ~ 00:00:33 This is the first time on the show as a dad.

00:00:33 ~ 00:00:36 Congratulations, you and your wife. Lyra.

00:00:36 ~ 00:00:40 -She’s back — She’s backstage. -First time on “Fallon.”
backstage 【副】舞台裏へ、楽屋に

00:00:40 ~ 00:00:41 -She’s the cutest baby. -[ Audience awws ]

00:00:41 ~ 00:00:44 -And me and my wife had our second date the night —

00:00:44 ~ 00:00:46 I did “Fallon” in 20– I say “Fallon.”

00:00:46 ~ 00:00:49 I did “Jimmy” in 2015.

00:00:49 ~ 00:00:51 And we went out for our second date that night,

00:00:51 ~ 00:00:53 and we just were, like, reminiscing backstage there.
reminisce 〔~の〕思い出を語る[書く]

00:00:53 ~ 00:00:54 -Isn’t that great? -Really cool.

00:00:54 ~ 00:00:57 -I love that. Good. There’s good vibes here.
vibe 「vibe」は、人やモノなどから受ける「感じ」「雰囲気」「オーラ」などを意味します。大抵、複数形「vibes(バイブス)」が使われますが、単数形「vibe」で使われることもあります。※参考ページ

00:00:57 ~ 00:00:58 She’s one. -She’s one, yeah.

00:00:58 ~ 00:01:01 -Did she say “Jimmy” yet or anything?

00:01:01 ~ 00:01:04 -No, she does —

00:01:04 ~ 00:01:06 She says, “Dada,” and points at me.

00:01:06 ~ 00:01:08 So I’m now like, “Okay, now she knows.”

00:01:08 ~ 00:01:10 But before, she’d just say, “Dada,”

00:01:10 ~ 00:01:12 and, like, point at an orange or something.

00:01:12 ~ 00:01:14 -Yeah, yeah, exactly. Why not? Yeah.

00:01:14 ~ 00:01:16 Do you play — Obviously, you play music for her.
obviously 明らかに、はっきりと、明白に、明瞭に、一目瞭然で、どう見ても~だ、どこからどう見ても~だ、誰が見たって~だ、どう考えても~だ、当然、言うまでもなく、むろん、もちろん

00:01:16 ~ 00:01:18 But do you play the classics?

00:01:18 ~ 00:01:21 Do you a big, oh, “Baby Shark”? Do-do-do-do-do-do?
baby shark 欧米で著名な童謡。 伝承童謡

00:01:21 ~ 00:01:23 -We haven’t quite got to “Baby Shark” yet,

00:01:23 ~ 00:01:25 but, no, it’s —

00:01:25 ~ 00:01:27 Very good, by the way.

00:01:27 ~ 00:01:30 -What, “Baby Shark”? Do-do-do-do-do-do?

00:01:30 ~ 00:01:32 -Yeah. Why don’t you sing it, though?

00:01:32 ~ 00:01:33 Do you not want to —

00:01:33 ~ 00:01:34 -My voice hurts. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:01:34 ~ 00:01:35 I feel you. I feel you.
I feel you (その気持ち)分かるよ

00:01:35 ~ 00:01:37 -Dude, let’s talk about this, by the way.

00:01:37 ~ 00:01:40 Another number-one album. I mean…

00:01:40 ~ 00:01:42 [ Cheers and applause ]

00:01:42 ~ 00:01:44 You cold? Whew.
whew ヒャー!、ヘー!◆驚き・感動・疲労などを表す発声

00:01:44 ~ 00:01:46 -I just — -Wow. You’re excited.

00:01:46 ~ 00:01:47 Are you cold?

00:01:47 ~ 00:01:49 -I just feel the buzz of number one.
buzz 〔ワクワクする〕興奮、スリル

00:01:49 ~ 00:01:51 -Yeah, you feel the buzz. Yeah. -It’s in me. It’s in me.

00:01:51 ~ 00:01:53 -Number one. Number one, everyone.

00:01:53 ~ 00:01:56 I want to say this. Over a billion streams on Spotify.

00:01:56 ~ 00:01:57 A billion. -Yeah.

00:01:57 ~ 00:01:59 [ Cheers and applause ]

00:01:59 ~ 00:02:01 -You know, I read something about you

00:02:01 ~ 00:02:03 that I thought was cool.

00:02:03 ~ 00:02:05 I don’t know it was “Shivers” or what was —

00:02:05 ~ 00:02:07 What was the first single off this one?

00:02:07 ~ 00:02:09 -“Bad Habits.” -So “Bad Habits” was on, yeah.

00:02:09 ~ 00:02:11 -Just sending the vibe, Jimmy. -Yeah, I saw you.

00:02:11 ~ 00:02:13 But then “Shivers” is coming out.
shiver 震え、寒気

00:02:13 ~ 00:02:15 “Bad Habits” went to number one.

00:02:15 ~ 00:02:16 “Shivers” coming out, knocking you —

00:02:16 ~ 00:02:19 yourself out of number one with your other song.
out of A(源・出所)から、A(ある数・グループ)の中から

00:02:19 ~ 00:02:21 It’s like — Yeah. And then your buddy
buddy 〈話〉仲間、親友、友達、相棒

00:02:21 ~ 00:02:23 Elton John comes out with a song with Dua Lipa.
come out with ~と一緒に外へ出てくる、~を持って出てくる、~を持ち出す、公表する、発表する、~を世に出す、~を市場に出す、~を出版する
Dua Lipa イギリスの女性シンガーソングライター、ファッションモデル。 ミレニアル世代を代表するUKポップのアイコンである。

00:02:23 ~ 00:02:25 And here’s the thing that — Earmuffs.
here is the thing 要は、実はね。これから言おうとするポイントが重要である、これからの話しが大切であると強調をしたいときに使われるフレーズです。
earmuff 防寒や防音などに用いる耳覆い、耳あて。

00:02:25 ~ 00:02:28 Maybe just plug your ears. Ed’s so cool.
plug 〔~に〕栓をする、〔~を〕塞ぐ

00:02:28 ~ 00:02:30 He goes through everyone on — and all his fans and goes,
go through くまなく[細かく]調べる、捜索する

00:02:30 ~ 00:02:32 “Hey. Elton’s gonna hit number one.

00:02:32 ~ 00:02:34 He’s a good friend of mine. I want him to hit number one.

00:02:34 ~ 00:02:38 So go stream his song, ‘Cold Heart.'”
stream 《イ》〔音声・映像などを〕ストリーミング配信する
Cold Heart Elton JohnとDua Lipaのコラボ曲。

00:02:38 ~ 00:02:41 -So, can I interject that? So the reason —
interject 〔他の人が話している時に言葉を〕差し挟む

00:02:41 ~ 00:02:43 -Was I close? Was I close?

00:02:43 ~ 00:02:47 -But basically — So, he had started —

00:02:47 ~ 00:02:50 When I had my daughter, he started ringing me
ring 〈英〉〔人に〕電話する

00:02:50 ~ 00:02:53 once a week to just check up on me being a new dad.
check up on ~を調べる、~を点検する

00:02:53 ~ 00:02:55 And then I had a friend that passed away,

00:02:55 ~ 00:02:57 and then he started ringing me every day to check up on me.

00:02:57 ~ 00:02:59 So we speak — I spoke to him this morning.

00:02:59 ~ 00:03:00 I spoke to him yesterday.

00:03:00 ~ 00:03:01 I’ll speak to him tomorrow morning.

00:03:01 ~ 00:03:03 We speak every day. And when his song came out,

00:03:03 ~ 00:03:04 he was so buzzed about being top 20.

00:03:04 ~ 00:03:06 And he was like, “I’m 74, and I’m top 20.”

00:03:06 ~ 00:03:08 And then it went top ten, and then it went top five,

00:03:08 ~ 00:03:10 and it was climbing up, and it was the week

00:03:10 ~ 00:03:14 where it was gonna go number one, and I just like —

00:03:14 ~ 00:03:16 I would feel like a weird guy if I was speaking to him

00:03:16 ~ 00:03:19 the whole time being like, “Man, I’m so happy for you,”

00:03:19 ~ 00:03:21 but then at the last moment be like, “[Bleep] you.”

00:03:21 ~ 00:03:23 -[ Laughter ]

00:03:23 ~ 00:03:25 -“Yeah. I’m getting the number one.” Yeah.

00:03:25 ~ 00:03:27 “We’re friends, but — Yeah.” -I want — Yeah.

00:03:27 ~ 00:03:30 And we’ve got a Christmas song coming out together.
have got = have
come out 売りに出される、出版される、発刊される、発行される、刊行される

00:03:30 ~ 00:03:33 -Wait. You and Elton John? -Me and Elton John. Yeah.

00:03:33 ~ 00:03:35 -He’s got one of my favorite Christmas songs ever.

00:03:35 ~ 00:03:38 -Yeah, well, so he — -“Step into Christmas”?
Step into Christmas Elton Johnの曲。

00:03:38 ~ 00:03:41 -Yeah, so, he rung me on Christmas Day and said —

00:03:41 ~ 00:03:43 ‘Cause he was so buzzed that — “Step into Christmas”

00:03:43 ~ 00:03:45 gets a higher chart position every single year.

00:03:45 ~ 00:03:47 So I think it went in at 13 in the ’80s,
go in ~に入る[突入する]

00:03:47 ~ 00:03:50 and it was like number 6 last year in England.

00:03:50 ~ 00:03:51 So he’s like, “I want to do another Christmas song.

00:03:51 ~ 00:03:53 Do you want to do one with me?”

00:03:53 ~ 00:03:54 And I’ve always been quite against —

00:03:54 ~ 00:03:56 Not that I don’t like Christmas. I love Christmas.

00:03:56 ~ 00:03:58 But in terms of doing a Christmas song,

00:03:58 ~ 00:03:59 you need to chuck the kitchen sink at it.
throw the kitchen sink at something(ありとあらゆることをしてみる、すべてをやりつくす)と同じ意味※参考ページ

00:03:59 ~ 00:04:01 If you’re going to do it — -Got to be able to do it.
get to ~の状態になる、~するようになる、~できる機会[チャンス]を得る、〔許可・機会を得て〕~できるようになる

00:04:01 ~ 00:04:03 -I have a Northern Irish friend that says,

00:04:03 ~ 00:04:04 “If you’re gonna get done for stealing a horse,

00:04:04 ~ 00:04:06 you might as well [bleep] it.” You know?

00:04:06 ~ 00:04:08 [ Laughter ]

00:04:08 ~ 00:04:10 [ Rim shot ]

00:04:10 ~ 00:04:12 [ Cheers and applause ]

00:04:12 ~ 00:04:14 -Stealing the horse? -Yeah.

00:04:14 ~ 00:04:17 So I said to Elton. I was like, “I don’t really want

00:04:17 ~ 00:04:19 to do a Christmas song unless we’re going in.

00:04:19 ~ 00:04:23 Unless it’s like — Unless it’s like sleigh bells, ding-dong.

00:04:23 ~ 00:04:25 Yeah, it needs to be a proper Christmas song.”

00:04:25 ~ 00:04:29 So I wrote a chorus, and then I went to go and stay with him.
stay with(人)の家に滞在する

00:04:29 ~ 00:04:30 And we wrote three, and one of them

00:04:30 ~ 00:04:32 was this one called “Merry Christmas.”

00:04:32 ~ 00:04:34 Okay. So get this. So, we write it.

00:04:34 ~ 00:04:36 And I title it “Merry Christmas.”

00:04:36 ~ 00:04:39 And I’m like, “We’re gonna have to change that title

00:04:39 ~ 00:04:41 ‘cause there’s probably loads of songs called ‘Merry Christmas.'”
loads of たくさんの

00:04:41 ~ 00:04:43 I went on Spotify, and I typed in “Merry Christmas.”

00:04:43 ~ 00:04:45 Nothing. There’s “Merry Christmas, Everyone.”

00:04:45 ~ 00:04:48 There’s “Happy Xmas,” “Merry Xmas,” “War is Over.”

00:04:48 ~ 00:04:50 There’s not a song called “Merry Christmas.”

00:04:50 ~ 00:04:51 And then I went on YouTube and checked it out.

00:04:51 ~ 00:04:53 And it baffled me.
baffle 〔人を〕途方に暮れさせる、困惑させる、まごつかせる

00:04:53 ~ 00:04:56 Like, there’s — It’s kind of like this glitch in a video game
glitch 〈俗〉〔機器に発生する〕問題、故障、誤作動、異常、技術的なミス、不調

00:04:56 ~ 00:04:58 where no one thought… -Wow!

00:04:58 ~ 00:05:00 -No one thought to — Yeah. -Yeah.

00:05:00 ~ 00:05:03 ‘Cause my new horse — “My new horse.” Sorry.

00:05:03 ~ 00:05:05 [ Laughter ]

00:05:05 ~ 00:05:07

00:05:07 ~ 00:05:10 Congrats on that song. Congrats on everything.

00:05:10 ~ 00:05:11 You got to come back more often, buddy.
got to 〈話〉~しなければならない◆have got toのhaveが省略された形

00:05:11 ~ 00:05:13 I miss you, and I love having you on the show.

00:05:13 ~ 00:05:15 Ed Sheeran, everybody. -Thank you.

00:05:15 ~ 00:05:17 -“Equals” is out now.

