



今回は女優Dakota JohnsonがThe Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallonとのトークです。




00:00:01 ~ 00:00:02 -Hey, I have to talk to you about something,

00:00:02 ~ 00:00:03 because there’s been some headlines about youg

00:00:03 ~ 00:00:04 last couple of days.

00:00:04 ~ 00:00:06 Do you know what I’m talking about?

00:00:06 ~ 00:00:07 -Yeah. It’s really stressing me out.
stress out →ストレスでまいらせる、イライラさせる

00:00:07 ~ 00:00:11 -Well, your fans are upset, because, apparently,
upset →「ハッピーじゃない」「がっかりした」「悲しい」「怒っている」 ※参考ページ

00:00:11 ~ 00:00:14 everyone’s broken-hearted that the gap in your teeth
broken-hearted →心が深く傷ついている、悲嘆に暮れた、失意[悲しみ]のどん底にいる

00:00:14 ~ 00:00:16 is not there anymore.

00:00:16 ~ 00:00:19 And fans are heartbroken. People are upset.

00:00:19 ~ 00:00:22 No one knows what to say. What is going on?

00:00:22 ~ 00:00:23 What — The gap is gone? What’s up?
what’s up →「最近の調子を聞く質問」

00:00:23 ~ 00:00:25 -Yeah. Well, first of all, the fact that this is

00:00:25 ~ 00:00:30 a newsworthy event in our world right now
newsworthy →報道価値のある

00:00:30 ~ 00:00:35 is pretty Chaka Khan to me.
Chaka Khan「他人の事柄を妨害または妨害する方法で誰かを巻き込むこと」のような意味で使われているようです。※参考ページ

00:00:35 ~ 00:00:37 -Chaka Khan. -Chaka Khan.

00:00:37 ~ 00:00:38 -Yeah, why is everyone upset?

00:00:38 ~ 00:00:44 -Well, so I had a permanent retainer since I was like 13,
retainer →歯の矯正の固定装置

00:00:44 ~ 00:00:46 and it was just glued to the back of my teeth.
glue →〔~を〕密着させる

00:00:46 ~ 00:00:49 And I was having a lot of neck problems recently,

00:00:49 ~ 00:00:52 so my orthodontist — she decided that it would be

00:00:52 ~ 00:00:55 a good idea to take it off and see if my jaw sort of expanded.
take off →〔~を物・場所から〕取り去る、取り除く、引き取る
jaw →顎
sort of →〈話〉多少、いくらか、幾分、ある程度、やや、少し、ちょっと

00:00:55 ~ 00:00:58 And it helped me, and my gap closed by itself.

00:00:58 ~ 00:01:01 And I’m really sad about it, too.

00:01:01 ~ 00:01:03 -Now, wait, wait. Hold on a second.

00:01:03 ~ 00:01:04 First of all, you got to walk me back.
walk back?

00:01:04 ~ 00:01:07 Your neck bothered you,
bother →悩ます、悩ませる、困らせる、困惑させる、ろうばいさせる、〔人に〕嫌な思いをさせる

00:01:07 ~ 00:01:09 and so that’s what made you take the retainer

00:01:09 ~ 00:01:11 out of your mouth?

00:01:11 ~ 00:01:12 Like, is that a thing? Has anyone ever heard of that?
is that a thing? →アクションが一般的なものなのかを聞いている ※参考ページ:

00:01:12 ~ 00:01:14 -Yeah. That is a real thing. Yeah.

00:01:14 ~ 00:01:16 -So if your neck bothers you, it might be your teeth?

00:01:16 ~ 00:01:18 -Well, as you grow as a human being, your…

00:01:18 ~ 00:01:20 -Uh-huh.

00:01:20 ~ 00:01:23 -…your skull expands and your jaw and your teeth move.
skull →頭蓋骨

00:01:23 ~ 00:01:25 You know, your teeth don’t look like they did

00:01:25 ~ 00:01:26 when you were a baby.

00:01:26 ~ 00:01:30 -They do, actually. I was born…

00:01:30 ~ 00:01:33 I was born with veneers. -Oh. Cool. Cool.
veneers →ベニアと共に生まれてきたっていうジョークみたいな感じ?

00:01:33 ~ 00:01:36 -I broke this tooth. This one is fake.

00:01:36 ~ 00:01:38 -Let me feel it.

00:01:38 ~ 00:01:39 -It’s not going to feel different.

00:01:39 ~ 00:01:42 It feels like a tooth. -Not if you go like this.

00:01:42 ~ 00:01:46 Can you hear that? -It sounds like a tooth.

00:01:46 ~ 00:01:54 -It’s like when knock on a hollow part of a wall.
hollow →中が空洞の、中に隙間がある

00:01:54 ~ 00:01:58 -Is that one fake, too? -Are they both fake?

00:01:58 ~ 00:01:59 -All my teeth are fake. Yeah, actually.

00:01:59 ~ 00:02:02 This one might be fake, as well. Yeah. That’s weird.

00:02:02 ~ 00:02:04 -Yeah. -But let me tap on your tooth.
tap on →~を軽くたたく

00:02:04 ~ 00:02:08 -Okay.

00:02:08 ~ 00:02:11 -You don’t have any nails. -Yeah. I don’t have any nails.

00:02:11 ~ 00:02:14 I know. I took them off before the show.
take off →〔髪などを〕切る。この場合は、ショーの前に爪を切った。

00:02:14 ~ 00:02:17 I want to talk to you — -Anyway, hold on.

00:02:17 ~ 00:02:19 This is really important. -Yeah.

00:02:19 ~ 00:02:20 -I’m sad about my gap tooth, too.

00:02:20 ~ 00:02:23 So I’d really appreciate some privacy in this time —

00:02:23 ~ 00:02:24 -Wait. What?

00:02:24 ~ 00:02:27 First of all, don’t demand — don’t demand —

00:02:27 ~ 00:02:30 Don’t clap for that. Don’t demand or clap.

00:02:30 ~ 00:02:32 You demand some privacy? -Yeah.

00:02:32 ~ 00:02:34 -I think it looks beautiful.

00:02:34 ~ 00:02:37 -Well, I have to deal with a whole new world of problems.

00:02:37 ~ 00:02:40 -No. -Getting food stuck in my tooth.
get stuck →〔物が〕詰まる

00:02:40 ~ 00:02:41 -That’s your new thing?

00:02:41 ~ 00:02:46 -Yeah, because before, it would just slide right through.

00:02:46 ~ 00:02:48 -So your whole life has changed,

00:02:48 ~ 00:02:49 and you’re dealing with it, as well.

00:02:49 ~ 00:02:50 -Yeah.

00:02:50 ~ 00:02:52 -Just as much as the public and your fans are dealing with —

00:02:52 ~ 00:02:54 -Yeah, but it’s going to come back.

00:02:54 ~ 00:02:57 -The gap will come back? -Yeah.

00:02:57 ~ 00:02:59 -How? -Other retainers.

00:02:59 ~ 00:03:01 -So you’re gonna get a retainer to split your tooth —

00:03:01 ~ 00:03:03 -The world of dentistry is so advanced —
dentistry →歯科

00:03:03 ~ 00:03:04 -Wait. Are you serious about this?

00:03:04 ~ 00:03:06 Because, what if — Dude, what if you come back,

00:03:06 ~ 00:03:09 you get a gap, and then your neck hurts?

00:03:09 ~ 00:03:11 Then what? Then where do we go? Back to the drawing board.
back to the drawing board →振り出しに戻って、最初からやり直しで

00:03:11 ~ 00:03:13 -No, because we’re gonna do it in a really

00:03:13 ~ 00:03:17 holistic, sort of, like, osteopath–
holistic →全体論的な
sort of →〈話〉まあ言ってみれば~みたいな、~のようなもの、~みたいな、~めいた、一種の、いわば、どちらかといえば【用法】はっきりと断定できない場合や、ぴったりの言葉が見つからない場合に言葉をぼかすために用いられる。
osteopath →整骨院

00:03:17 ~ 00:03:19 -Don’t even talk to me about this.

00:03:19 ~ 00:03:21 Hey, I do want to — I have a story I want to bring up.
bring up →〔話題・議題・案・問題などを〕持ち出す、言い出す、指摘する、提起する、提出する、提示する

00:03:21 ~ 00:03:22 And I don’t even want to talk about it.
even →動詞を修飾する「~ことさえも」※参考ページ

00:03:22 ~ 00:03:26 But I heard this rumor that you used to make reservations

00:03:26 ~ 00:03:29 at a dinner — dinner reservations at a restaurant

00:03:29 ~ 00:03:30 under a famous person’s name.

00:03:30 ~ 00:03:32 Do you know what I’m talking about?

00:03:32 ~ 00:03:33 -Mm-hmm, yeah.

00:03:33 ~ 00:03:36 -You used to call up and say you have a table for George Clooney.
call up →〔主に米〕電話をかける、電話で呼び出す

00:03:36 ~ 00:03:37 -Yeah.

00:03:37 ~ 00:03:39 -Why?

00:03:39 ~ 00:03:41 -Because I wanted to go to the good restaurants

00:03:41 ~ 00:03:43 when I was growing — when I was in high school.

00:03:43 ~ 00:03:46 -Do you know George Clooney? -No, I don’t.

00:03:46 ~ 00:03:47 -So, wait.

00:03:47 ~ 00:03:48 You would call up and go,

00:03:48 ~ 00:03:50 “Hey, table for four, George Clooney”?

00:03:50 ~ 00:03:53 -Yeah, ‘cause nobody else is named George Clooney.

00:03:53 ~ 00:03:57 Also, it works every time. Try it.

00:03:57 ~ 00:03:58 -I should actually try, yeah.

00:03:58 ~ 00:04:00 -Next time you can’t get into a restaurant —

00:04:00 ~ 00:04:01 -I can’t get into any restaurant, yeah.

00:04:01 ~ 00:04:04 -But I used to do that when I was a teenager.

00:04:04 ~ 00:04:06 -And you’d call up and say George —

00:04:06 ~ 00:04:08 And then what would happen when you’d show up?

00:04:08 ~ 00:04:10 -I’d say, “He’s going to join us later.”

00:04:10 ~ 00:04:13 It’d be, like, a bunch of kids.

00:04:13 ~ 00:04:15 -Does George know that you do this?

00:04:15 ~ 00:04:19 -Well, I met him a couple of years ago.

00:04:19 ~ 00:04:21 We were traveling to the Toronto Film Festival

00:04:21 ~ 00:04:23 and we happened to be on the same plane.
happen to →偶然~する、たまたま~する、ふと~する、期せずして~する、図らずも~する、何げなく~する

00:04:23 ~ 00:04:25 And I was like, “Hi. I’m Dakota.”

00:04:25 ~ 00:04:28 And he’s like, “Oh, I’ve heard of you.

00:04:28 ~ 00:04:29 I know what you do.”

00:04:29 ~ 00:04:31 -“I know what you do,” is what he said?

00:04:31 ~ 00:04:33 -Yeah. He was like, “You call and you use my name.

00:04:33 ~ 00:04:34 It’s okay.” -He really did that?

00:04:34 ~ 00:04:36 -Yeah. -So he said it’s okay?

00:04:36 ~ 00:04:38 -Yeah. -So you continued to do it?

00:04:38 ~ 00:04:39 -Yeah. -Yeah. Why not?
why not →賛成する「もちろん」

00:04:39 ~ 00:04:41 I think it’s fun. -All the time.
all the time →その間ずっと、四六時中、年がら年中

00:04:41 ~ 00:04:43 -Let’s talk about your movie, “The Peanut Butter Falcon.”
The Peanut Butter Falcon →Shia LaBeoufが主演だったそうです。

00:04:43 ~ 00:04:45 -Yeah. -Tell me about this.

00:04:45 ~ 00:04:47 And what is the movie about, for anyone watching.

00:04:47 ~ 00:04:50 -“The Peanut Butter Falcon” is about a young man

00:04:50 ~ 00:04:53 with down syndrome who escapes a nursing home
down syndrome →ダウン症、ダウン症候群

00:04:53 ~ 00:04:56 to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional wrestler.

00:04:56 ~ 00:04:59 -And is this — Who is the actor?

00:04:59 ~ 00:05:01 -His name is Zack Gottsagen.

00:05:01 ~ 00:05:02 -It was his first film, is that correct?

00:05:02 ~ 00:05:04 -It was his first feature film, yeah.

00:05:04 ~ 00:05:07 He had made one kind of smaller film before.
one kind of →~の一種

00:05:07 ~ 00:05:09 -Did you get to — It’s him and Shia, right?

00:05:09 ~ 00:05:11 -Him and Shia LaBeouf. -Shia LaBeouf.
Shia LaBeouf →アメリカ合衆国の俳優、パフォーマンス・アーティスト、映画監督。色々と事件を起こしている人のようで、The Peanut Butter Falconの主演を務めており、撮影中に起こした事件のために公開が危ぶまれていたが、何とか公開に漕ぎつけ、興行的・批評的成功を収めたらしい。

00:05:11 ~ 00:05:15 -Yeah, the other Shia. -Is there two Shias?

00:05:15 ~ 00:05:17 -No. -No.

00:05:17 ~ 00:05:19 That’s the name I use to get reservations, by the way.

00:05:19 ~ 00:05:23 -Yeah. -Table for two, Shia LaBeouf.

00:05:23 ~ 00:05:29 How was it working with Shia? He’s a little…

00:05:29 ~ 00:05:31 He’s a little reckless a little bit, wasn’t he?
reckless →〔行為が〕無鉄砲な、向こう見ずな、無謀な

00:05:31 ~ 00:05:34 -I think that, sometimes, on occasion,
on occasion →時々

00:05:34 ~ 00:05:35 he can be a little reckless.

00:05:35 ~ 00:05:40 However, on this film, Zack, who is the other star of the film,

00:05:40 ~ 00:05:42 is a really incredible person.

00:05:42 ~ 00:05:48 He’s the most pure and loving and genuine, nonjudgmental
genuine →〔人が〕正直な、誠実な
non-judgmental →偏った[個人的・一方的・断定的]判断を避ける

00:05:48 ~ 00:05:50 human being I’ve ever met in my life.

00:05:50 ~ 00:05:53 And he totally changed my world

00:05:53 ~ 00:05:56 and totally changed Shia’s world, too.

00:05:56 ~ 00:05:58 And the three of us became really close.

00:05:58 ~ 00:06:00 They became very, very close.

00:06:00 ~ 00:06:04 And it kind of totally shifted things for Shia, I think.

00:06:04 ~ 00:06:06 -Oh, good.

