YouTube英語動画勉強18 The History of Raf Simons Part3


Raf Simonsの歴史についての動画です。


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00:26:05 ~ 00:26:07 he studied the work of Christian Dior

00:26:07 ~ 00:26:09 very closely so when he made his debut

00:26:09 ~ 00:26:11 with the Dior fall 2012 couture

00:26:11 ~ 00:26:13 collection he impressed the audience

00:26:13 ~ 00:26:15 with references to the fashion house’s
reference to ~への言及、~の参考書

00:26:15 ~ 00:26:17 history even aside from that the
aside from 〔話題・問題など〕からそれて、~はさておき、~は別として、~はこっちに置いといて、~を除いては、~の他に、~に加えて、~だけではなく

00:26:17 ~ 00:26:19 consensus was that he had done a great
consensus 〔全体の〕ほぼ一致した意見、総意、民意、意見の一致

00:26:19 ~ 00:26:20 job and it left people feeling very

00:26:20 ~ 00:26:23 optimistic about his future with Dior
optimistic 楽観的な、楽観主義の

00:26:23 ~ 00:26:25 there was however one slight problem
slight 〔数量・程度などが〕非常に小さい、極めて少量の、ほんのわずかな、か弱い、細い、きゃしゃな、取るに足りない、考慮に値しない、根拠の薄い、内容が薄弱な

00:26:25 ~ 00:26:27 from a consumer standpoint couture is
standpoint 観点、見地、立場

00:26:27 ~ 00:26:29 really not intended for a general

00:26:29 ~ 00:26:31 audience and I’m not saying that it has

00:26:31 ~ 00:26:33 to be but you do have to remember that

00:26:33 ~ 00:26:35 many of Raf’s fans were young somewhat

00:26:35 ~ 00:26:37 grungy kids that didn’t particularly
grungy 〈米俗〉汚れた、汚い、みすぼらしい、だらしない、〈米俗〉悪い、劣った

00:26:37 ~ 00:26:39 care for French couture and you also

00:26:39 ~ 00:26:40 have to remember that a large portion of

00:26:40 ~ 00:26:42 his fans knew him for his menswear so

00:26:42 ~ 00:26:44 the ready to wear women’s collections he

00:26:44 ~ 00:26:46 was making didn’t quite appeal to them

00:26:46 ~ 00:26:48 more than anything else they just wanted
more than anything else 他の何よりも

00:26:48 ~ 00:26:49 something reasonably affordable that
reasonably 完全ではないが満足のいく程度に、まあまあ
affordable 手頃な[良心的な・手の届く・無理なく買える]価格[値段・料金]の

00:26:49 ~ 00:26:51 they could get their hands on and that’s
get one’s hand on ~に手をつける、~を手に入れる、~を入手する、~に近づく、~を捕まえる

00:26:51 ~ 00:26:54 why in 2013 Raf officially partnered

00:26:54 ~ 00:26:56 with adidas to release a footwear line
partner with ~とパートナーになる、~と手を結ぶ、~と組む、~と提携する

00:26:56 ~ 00:26:58 to start he took two classic adidas
take 〔自分の意志で手に~を〕取る、〔自分の領域・縄張り・体内に~を〕取り込む、〔商品を〕買う、選ぶ

00:26:58 ~ 00:27:01 models the oswegos and the responses and

00:27:01 ~ 00:27:03 completely reimagined them
reimagine 再び想像する、再考する、考え直す

00:27:03 ~ 00:27:04 they made their debut on the runway for

00:27:04 ~ 00:27:07 his labels fall 2013 menswear collection

00:27:07 ~ 00:27:09 and they were an instant hit to keep the
instant hit 〔音楽などが〕すぐにヒットすること

00:27:09 ~ 00:27:11 momentum going we saw a number of new

00:27:11 ~ 00:27:13 shoes over the next two years including

00:27:13 ~ 00:27:14 the bounces
bounce 跳ね返り、弾み、反発力、活気

00:27:14 ~ 00:27:16 the rising stars
rising star 《a ~》〔ある分野で〕人気急上昇中の人[もの]、希望[期待]の星[新人]

00:27:16 ~ 00:27:19 the Response Trails
Response Trail adidasシューズのモデルの1つ

00:27:19 ~ 00:27:21 the Response Trail Robots

00:27:21 ~ 00:27:23 the Super Trekkers
Super Trekker adidas x Raf Simonsのシューズ

00:27:23 ~ 00:27:25 and of course the Raf Simon’s Stan

00:27:25 ~ 00:27:27 Smiths even before this partnership with

00:27:27 ~ 00:27:30 adidas Raf was known for being a big fan

00:27:30 ~ 00:27:31 of Stan Smith’s so putting this

00:27:31 ~ 00:27:33 particular shoe out was quite special to
put out 生み出す、生産する、製造する、出版する、本を出す、発行する、発売する、公開する

00:27:33 ~ 00:27:36 him nevertheless it would be the oswego

00:27:36 ~ 00:27:38 that prevailed as the fan favorite and
prevail 広がる、広く行き渡る、流行する、普及する、主流である、優勢である
fan favorite ファンのお気に入り

00:27:38 ~ 00:27:39 over time we’ve seen it updated in
over time 時間と共に、時がたつにつれて、経時的に、そのうちに、ゆっくり時間をかけて、長い期間をかけて、徐々に

00:27:39 ~ 00:27:42 several different colors and materials

00:27:42 ~ 00:27:43 now don’t get me wrong Raf was already
get ~ wrong ~を誤解する
Don’t get me wrong 誤解しないで

00:27:43 ~ 00:27:46 very famous before all of this and had a

00:27:46 ~ 00:27:47 strong cult following but there is no
cult 〔一時的な〕熱狂、(個人)崇拝
a cult following 熱狂的ファン層

00:27:47 ~ 00:27:49 denying that the adidas partnership
there is no denying that 〜は否定できない、〜は紛れもない事実だ

00:27:49 ~ 00:27:51 helped push his name much further into

00:27:51 ~ 00:27:53 the mainstream I’m sure all of you
mainstream 〔思想や芸術などの〕主流、本流

00:27:53 ~ 00:27:55 remember how crazy sneaker culture was

00:27:55 ~ 00:27:57 back in 2015 and because the Raf Simons

00:27:57 ~ 00:27:59 adidas shoes were a part of that there

00:27:59 ~ 00:28:01 were now people that knew his name

00:28:01 ~ 00:28:02 without ever having seen one of his

00:28:02 ~ 00:28:04 collections and I feel like I should

00:28:04 ~ 00:28:06 acknowledge ASAP Rocky’s role in this as
ASAP Rocky アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州ニューヨークシティ出身のラッパー

00:28:06 ~ 00:28:08 well because even aside from the song
aside from 〈米〉〔話題・問題など〕からそれて、〈米〉~はさておき、~は別として、~はこっちに置いといて、~を除いては、〈米〉~の他に、~に加えて、~だけではなく

00:28:08 ~ 00:28:10 Raf he’s been rapping about Raf

00:28:10 ~ 00:28:11 Simons since the beginning of his

00:28:11 ~ 00:28:14 career anyways moving on it was in late

00:28:14 ~ 00:28:17 2015 that we got word of Raf’s decision
get word of ~の知らせを受ける、~のうわさを耳にする

00:28:17 ~ 00:28:19 to resign from Dior and unlike the Jil

00:28:19 ~ 00:28:22 Sander’s situation this really was his

00:28:22 ~ 00:28:24 own decision he’d accomplished a lot

00:28:24 ~ 00:28:25 there and I’m sure they would have been

00:28:25 ~ 00:28:27 happy to have him stay but in a

00:28:27 ~ 00:28:29 statement he clarified that he wanted to
clarify that 〜を明らかにする

00:28:29 ~ 00:28:30 spend more time focusing on other things

00:28:30 ~ 00:28:33 such as his own label that’s as good a

00:28:33 ~ 00:28:35 reason as any and I do believe that this

00:28:35 ~ 00:28:37 was his true intention but as soon as
intention 〔考えている〕目的、腹づもり

00:28:37 ~ 00:28:38 other fashion houses heard that the

00:28:38 ~ 00:28:40 legendary Raf Simons was once again a

00:28:40 ~ 00:28:45 free agent the phone started to ring

00:28:52 ~ 00:28:54 in august of 2016 Raf was appointed

00:28:54 ~ 00:28:57 chief creative officer of Calvin Klein

00:28:57 ~ 00:28:58 in this role he was tasked with
tasked with 〜を任せられる

00:28:58 ~ 00:29:00 overseeing the creative strategy for

00:29:00 ~ 00:29:02 every facet of the company including
facet (物事の)面,相

00:29:02 ~ 00:29:04 Calvin Klein jeans Calvin Klein home

00:29:04 ~ 00:29:06 brand their perfume line Calvin Klein

00:29:06 ~ 00:29:08 platinum and of course Calvin Klein

00:29:08 ~ 00:29:09 collection the name for their menswear

00:29:09 ~ 00:29:11 and women’s wear lines now a lot of

00:29:11 ~ 00:29:13 people tend to get this confused but he

00:29:13 ~ 00:29:15 was never actually the creative director

00:29:15 ~ 00:29:17 of Calvin Klein because that title

00:29:17 ~ 00:29:19 belonged to Pieter Mulier who happens to
belong to ~に属する、~の所有物である
happen to 偶然~する、たまたま~する、ふと~する、期せずして~する、図らずも~する、何げなく~する

00:29:19 ~ 00:29:22 be a longtime friend of his that said I

00:29:22 ~ 00:29:23 wouldn’t go around correcting people who
go around ~の周りを進む[回る]、〔~を〕周回[一回り]する
correct 〔間違い・誤りなどを〕訂正[修正]する、正す

00:29:23 ~ 00:29:25 say that Raf was the creative director

00:29:25 ~ 00:29:27 because for all intents and purposes he
for all intents and purposes どう[どの点から]見ても、事実上
for all intents どう[どの点から]見ても、事実上

00:29:27 ~ 00:29:30 was as chief creative officer he decided

00:29:30 ~ 00:29:31 what direction he wanted the collections

00:29:31 ~ 00:29:33 to go in and then worked closely
go in ~に入る[突入する]、〔仕事などを〕開始する

00:29:33 ~ 00:29:35 alongside Pieter to make it happen it’s
alongside 〔仕事などを〕~と一緒に、~と協力して
make it happen 実現させる

00:29:35 ~ 00:29:37 reasonable to say that Raf’s debut at
it is reasonable to say that 〔that以下〕ということはここで言って[述べて]おくべきだろう、ここで申し添えておくべきは〔that以下〕ということである

00:29:37 ~ 00:29:39 Calvin Klein was one of the most highly

00:29:39 ~ 00:29:41 anticipated debuts of any designer in
highly anticipated 大いに期待された

00:29:41 ~ 00:29:42 recent memory because people were
in recent memory 最近の記憶では

00:29:42 ~ 00:29:44 excited but weren’t exactly sure what to

00:29:44 ~ 00:29:46 expect on one hand he was one of the
on the one hand 一方で

00:29:46 ~ 00:29:48 greatest designers alive and on the

00:29:48 ~ 00:29:50 other hand he was in unfamiliar
unfamiliar territory 精通していない分野

00:29:50 ~ 00:29:52 territory up until that point he’d spent
territory 〔学問や活動の〕分野、領域
up until ~まで

00:29:52 ~ 00:29:54 his entire life living in Europe

00:29:54 ~ 00:29:56 studying the work of European designers

00:29:56 ~ 00:29:58 and he was now tasked with moving to New
tasked with 〜を任せられる

00:29:58 ~ 00:30:00 York and modernizing one of the most
modernize 近代[現代]化する[的にする]

00:30:00 ~ 00:30:02 iconic American brands ever not only
iconic 象徴的な

00:30:02 ~ 00:30:04 that but Calvin Klein is a brand best
best known for 《be ~》~で最もよく知られている

00:30:04 ~ 00:30:06 known for their jeans and Raf is

00:30:06 ~ 00:30:09 markedly not a huge fan of denim having

00:30:09 ~ 00:30:10 only used it a handful of times in his
a handful of 「手に十分に持てるぐらい」の意味になり、これは量やサイズについて表現しています。多すぎとも少なすぎとも言っていませんが、基本的にはそこまで多くはない量です。

00:30:10 ~ 00:30:13 entire career nevertheless there was
there is nothing we can do 仕方ないね、仕方がないね、仕方がないよ

00:30:13 ~ 00:30:14 nothing we could do but wait and see and
wait and see 成り行きを見守る、形勢をうかがう、様子を見る、静観する、日和見する

00:30:14 ~ 00:30:17 on February 13th of 2017 the day had

00:30:17 ~ 00:30:20 finally arrived Raf’s first big change

00:30:20 ~ 00:30:22 actually took place before a single

00:30:22 ~ 00:30:23 model stepped on the runway because he

00:30:23 ~ 00:30:25 decided to do away with the name Calvin
do away with 〔不要な物を〕処分する、捨てる、排除する、〔制度などを〕廃止する

00:30:25 ~ 00:30:27 Klein collection and settled on the new
settle on 〔~という選択肢〕に決定する、〔~という考え〕に落ち着く

00:30:27 ~ 00:30:32 name Calvin Klein 205 west 39th NYC the

00:30:32 ~ 00:30:33 name may not roll off the tongue that
roll off the tongue 発音しやすい、言いやすい、語呂が良い

00:30:33 ~ 00:30:35 nicely but it’s a reference to the
nicely 上手に、うまく、親切に

00:30:35 ~ 00:30:36 brand’s headquarters in New York city

00:30:36 ~ 00:30:38 and that’s where this show took place

00:30:38 ~ 00:30:40 right inside the lobby the show quite

00:30:40 ~ 00:30:42 literally opened with a voice declaring

00:30:42 ~ 00:30:45 this is my America which let everyone in
in attendance 出席して、〔人に〕付き添って、随行して

00:30:45 ~ 00:30:46 attendance know that they were about to

00:30:46 ~ 00:30:48 witness Raf and Pieter’s interpretation
interpretation 〔意味や重要性の〕解釈、解明、〔批評家による芸術作品の〕解説、説明

00:30:48 ~ 00:30:50 of American fashion this would include

00:30:50 ~ 00:30:53 denim outfits cowboy boots varsity
varsity 〈主に米〉〔大学・学校の〕代表チーム

00:30:53 ~ 00:30:55 jackets and as if that weren’t enough

00:30:55 ~ 00:30:57 they added in an American flag for good

00:30:57 ~ 00:30:58 measure

00:30:58 ~ 00:31:00 all of this was great but what people

00:31:00 ~ 00:31:02 really liked was how well Raf blended
blend 〔異なる物質を〕混ぜ合わさる、混合する、〔異なるものを〕一緒にする、融合する

00:31:02 ~ 00:31:03 this American aesthetic with his own
aesthetic 審美眼、美学、美学的思想

00:31:03 ~ 00:31:05 aesthetic as can be seen with the unique

00:31:05 ~ 00:31:08 color blocking and masterful tailoring
color blocking 大胆な配色
masterful 優れた技量[知能]の

00:31:08 ~ 00:31:10 in all the collection was widely praised

00:31:10 ~ 00:31:12 in fashion media but the praise sort of
sort of いくらか、幾分、ある程度、やや、少し、ちょっと、〈話〉まあ言ってみれば~みたいな、~のようなもの、~みたいな、~めいた、いわば、どちらかといえば

00:31:12 ~ 00:31:14 ended there so let’s take a step back
take a step back 一歩退く、一歩譲る、譲歩する

00:31:14 ~ 00:31:16 for a moment and put the relationship
put ~ into perspective ~を大局的に見る
put ~ in perspective 広い視野で~を見る、大局的な視点から~を眺める

00:31:16 ~ 00:31:18 between Raf Simons and Calvin Klein

00:31:18 ~ 00:31:20 into perspective one of the main reasons

00:31:20 ~ 00:31:22 that Calvin Klein hired Raf was because

00:31:22 ~ 00:31:24 they’d hoped that he could rebrand them
rebrand ブランド再生(する)、リブランド(する)

00:31:24 ~ 00:31:26 as a luxury brand but from the outset
outset 着手、手始め、発端、発生

00:31:26 ~ 00:31:28 that was simply never going to work for

00:31:28 ~ 00:31:30 the entirety of his career Raf has

00:31:30 ~ 00:31:32 been considered a luxury designer and

00:31:32 ~ 00:31:34 has had a customer base more than

00:31:34 ~ 00:31:36 willing to spend thousands of dollars on

00:31:36 ~ 00:31:38 his pieces no matter how eccentric and
no matter how どんなに~であろうとも
eccentric (一風)変わった、とっぴな、異様な、変な、奇妙な、奇抜な、並外れた、脱線する、偏心の[している]

00:31:38 ~ 00:31:39 while I don’t intend to call Calvin

00:31:39 ~ 00:31:41 Klein low end I think that their
low-end 〔同種類の商品の中で〕一番安い、低価格の、低級な

00:31:41 ~ 00:31:43 customer base is much more inclined
inclined 傾いた、斜めになった、~したい気がする、~の傾向がある
inclined toward 《be ~》~側[の方]に[へ]傾いている[傾斜している]

00:31:43 ~ 00:31:45 towards casual wear I mean if you really

00:31:45 ~ 00:31:47 want me to put it bluntly people care
bluntly 〔遠回しに言うべきことを〕はっきりと、露骨に、あからさまに、ずばりと、ずばずばと、単刀直入に、歯に衣を着せずに、にべもなく

00:31:47 ~ 00:31:48 more about Calvin Klein jeans and

00:31:48 ~ 00:31:50 underwear than anything else so Raf was

00:31:50 ~ 00:31:52 pretty much fighting an uphill battle
uphill battle 苦しい戦い、苦戦、厳しい環境下での戦い◆冠詞anが付けられる場合がある。

00:31:52 ~ 00:31:54 since day one he continued releasing new

00:31:54 ~ 00:31:57 collections including the fall 2018

00:31:57 ~ 00:31:58 ready to wear collection that famously
ready-to-wear 既製服

00:31:58 ~ 00:32:00 featured the Wile E. Coyote and the Road_Runner
Wile E. Coyote and the Road_Runner ワーナー・ブラザースのアニメーション作品、ルーニー・テューンズに登場する架空のキャラクター。

00:32:00 ~ 00:32:02 sweaters but nothing really seemed to

00:32:02 ~ 00:32:05 stick the bottom line was that the
bottom line 最終利益、最終的な収益[損益]、純損失、純利益、総決算、最終結果[決定]、結論

00:32:05 ~ 00:32:07 collection wasn’t doing the numbers that

00:32:07 ~ 00:32:10 they’d hoped for and in november of 2018

00:32:10 ~ 00:32:12 the CEO of Calvin Klein’s parent company

00:32:12 ~ 00:32:14 PVH flat out admitted that they had
flat out 徐々に[少しずつ・だんだん・次第に]薄れる、失敗に終わる、〈米俗〉全速力で走る[走らせる]

00:32:14 ~ 00:32:16 become too fashion forward for their
fashion-forward 流行に敏感な

00:32:16 ~ 00:32:18 core customer this was the beginning of
beginning of the end 終わりを告げる最初の兆し、終結[結末]の兆し、終焉の始まり、不幸を予見する兆し

00:32:18 ~ 00:32:21 the end and in december of 2018 Raf

00:32:21 ~ 00:32:23 officially announced that he would be

00:32:23 ~ 00:32:25 leaving the brand a full eight months

00:32:25 ~ 00:32:27 before his contract was set to expire I
set to 《be ~》~することになって[決まって]いる

00:32:27 ~ 00:32:29 really don’t think that he can be blamed

00:32:29 ~ 00:32:30 for the way things turned out because he

00:32:30 ~ 00:32:33 did what was asked of him he came in set
ask of (人)に要求する
set one’s sights on ~に照準を合わせる[狙いを定める]、〈比喩〉~に狙いをつける、~を手に入れようとする、~を目指す

00:32:33 ~ 00:32:35 his sights on modernizing the brand put

00:32:35 ~ 00:32:38 out strong collections and even added in
put out 生み出す、生産する、製造する、出版する、本を出す、発行する、発売する、公開する

00:32:38 ~ 00:32:40 a few cool projects along the way like
along the way 道中(で)、ここに至るまでに、これまでに、進行中に

00:32:40 ~ 00:32:41 his collab with the Andy Warhol

00:32:41 ~ 00:32:42 foundation

00:32:42 ~ 00:32:44 but sometimes in the fashion industry

00:32:44 ~ 00:32:47 doing everything right just isn’t enough
do everything right 全て完璧にこなす

00:32:47 ~ 00:32:48 time and time again we’ve seen a great
time and time again:何度も繰り返し

00:32:48 ~ 00:32:51 designer go work for a great brand only

00:32:51 ~ 00:32:52 for things to fall apart when they
fall apart 〔精神的に〕ぼろぼろになる、〔組織・体制・関係などが〕崩壊する、壊滅する、瓦解する、破綻する

00:32:52 ~ 00:32:55 realize it isn’t a good match so for the
good match 《be a ~》相性が良い、お似合いのカップルだ、良縁である、《a ~》〔実力伯仲の〕良い試合、名勝負

00:32:55 ~ 00:32:57 second time in his career the business

00:32:57 ~ 00:32:59 side of things had gotten in Raf’s way
get in one’s way 〈物が〉・足手まといになる

00:32:59 ~ 00:33:01 and after leaving Calvin Klein many

00:33:01 ~ 00:33:03 people fairly assumed that it would be a
fairly かなり、相当(に)、極めて、ほとんど、全く、どうやら

00:33:03 ~ 00:33:05 while before he rushed to go work at
while 少しの時間、時間、期間
rush to ~に急ぐ[急行する・駆け付ける]、大急ぎで~する

00:33:05 ~ 00:33:06 another fashion house

00:33:06 ~ 00:33:08 after all he still had his own label to

00:33:08 ~ 00:33:10 manage as well as an ongoing partnership

00:33:10 ~ 00:33:12 with adidas but when the right

00:33:12 ~ 00:33:14 opportunity presents itself it’s very
present oneself 現れる、出頭する、自己紹介[アピール]をする、自分[自ら]を売り込む

00:33:14 ~ 00:33:18 hard to say no

00:33:24 ~ 00:33:27 in early 2020 Raf announced that he

00:33:27 ~ 00:33:29 would be joining Prada as co-creative
co- 共同の、共通の、相互の◆対等の立場・役割を表す。

00:33:29 ~ 00:33:31 director alongside the legendary Miuccia
alongside 〔仕事などを〕~と一緒に、~と協力して

00:33:31 ~ 00:33:33 Prada how did this partnership come
come about 〔事が〕起こる、生じる、発生する

00:33:33 ~ 00:33:35 about you may ask well let me start by

00:33:35 ~ 00:33:37 saying that Raf has been a genuine fan

00:33:37 ~ 00:33:40 of Prada for a very long time so much so

00:33:40 ~ 00:33:42 in fact that back in 2016 when he joined

00:33:42 ~ 00:33:45 Calvin Klein GQ published an article

00:33:45 ~ 00:33:47 titled here’s why Calvin Klein’s new

00:33:47 ~ 00:33:50 creative director loves to wear Prada it

00:33:50 ~ 00:33:52 goes deeper than that though Miuccia

00:33:52 ~ 00:33:54 Prada’s husband happens to be Patricio

00:33:54 ~ 00:33:56 Bertelli who as you may remember is the

00:33:56 ~ 00:33:58 CEO of the Prada group and is the one

00:33:58 ~ 00:34:01 who hired Raf to work at Jil Sander

00:34:01 ~ 00:34:03 although he eventually sold Jil Sander

00:34:03 ~ 00:34:04 thus marking the end of their
thus 〈文〉この[前述の事実の]結果として、それ故に、従って、だから、〈文〉このような方法で、このようにして、こんなふうに、上に述べたように
marking the end of ~の終わりを告げる

00:34:04 ~ 00:34:06 professional relationship Bertelli

00:34:06 ~ 00:34:07 remained a fan of Raf’s work and

00:34:07 ~ 00:34:09 continued paying close attention to his
pay close attention to ~に細心の注意を払う、~を注視する

00:34:09 ~ 00:34:12 career so when he became available after

00:34:12 ~ 00:34:13 leaving Calvin Klein it presented the

00:34:13 ~ 00:34:16 opportunity for them to reunite and I
reunite 再会[再結合・再結成]する、仲直りする

00:34:16 ~ 00:34:17 think I speak for everyone in saying

00:34:17 ~ 00:34:19 that I’m glad they did

00:34:19 ~ 00:34:22 as a fan of Raf Simons his debut Prada

00:34:22 ~ 00:34:23 collection was everything you could have

00:34:23 ~ 00:34:25 asked for while it did build off of
ask for ~を求める、~を要求する、~を要する、~を所望する、~を依頼する、~を貸してくれと言う
build off of →build something

00:34:25 ~ 00:34:27 ideas that Miuccia had established in

00:34:27 ~ 00:34:30 prior seasons this had Raf written all
all over it とても関心がある、ハマっている

00:34:30 ~ 00:34:31 over it there were of course some of his

00:34:31 ~ 00:34:33 signature design elements like the
signature 〔衣類が〕デザイナーの名前入りの、特徴的な

00:34:33 ~ 00:34:35 sleeveless look and the extended

00:34:35 ~ 00:34:37 proportions but as a tip of the cap to
a tip of the cap to 〜を尊敬するみたいな意味

00:34:37 ~ 00:34:39 his true fans there was also direct

00:34:39 ~ 00:34:41 references to pieces from his past and
piece 〔美術・音楽・文学などの〕作品、曲

00:34:41 ~ 00:34:42 note that the graphics here were

00:34:42 ~ 00:34:44 designed by Peter De Potter the same
Peter De Potter ベルギーを拠点に活動中のビジュアルアーティスト
2001~2010年までのRaf Simonsとのコラボレーションで注目を集め、一度きりの予定が長期にわたる継続的なコラボレーションとなる

00:34:44 ~ 00:34:46 artist that Raf had been working with

00:34:46 ~ 00:34:48 since 2001. also I’m not sure I’d call

00:34:48 ~ 00:34:50 this a reference but it’s worth
worth mentioning 《be ~》~に触れる[言及する]価値がある

00:34:50 ~ 00:34:51 mentioning that none of the models in

00:34:51 ~ 00:34:53 this show had ever walked a runway

00:34:53 ~ 00:34:55 before and that sort of reminds me of

00:34:55 ~ 00:34:56 what he did with his black palms

00:34:56 ~ 00:34:59 collection back in 1997. overall this is

00:34:59 ~ 00:35:01 what I believe to be a fantastic start

00:35:01 ~ 00:35:03 to the partnership between Raf and Miuccia

00:35:03 ~ 00:35:05 and since then we’ve received four more

00:35:05 ~ 00:35:07 collections from the duo looking past
past 過ぎて、(通り)越えて、(通り)越して

00:35:07 ~ 00:35:08 the technical excellence of these

00:35:08 ~ 00:35:10 collections the most impressive thing to

00:35:10 ~ 00:35:12 me is that they’ve explored new ideas in

00:35:12 ~ 00:35:14 each one some people weren’t sure of

00:35:14 ~ 00:35:16 having two creative directors would work
work out 〔トラブルなどが〕何とか解決する、丸く収める、何とかなる、うまくいく、いい結果が出る、良い結果となる、

00:35:16 ~ 00:35:18 out but I think that’s exactly what has

00:35:18 ~ 00:35:20 allowed them to succeed sure they’d be
sure 確かに、本当に

00:35:20 ~ 00:35:22 fine on their own but the ability to

00:35:22 ~ 00:35:23 bounce ideas off of each other and
bounce off 〔反応を見るためにアイデアなどを〕(人)にぶつける[投げ掛ける]

00:35:23 ~ 00:35:25 refine one another’s work is allowing
refine 〔~を〕洗練する、精緻化する、磨く、〔~に〕磨きをかける、〔機械などを〕改良[改善]する
one another お互い

00:35:25 ~ 00:35:27 them to innovate at an extremely high
innovate 革新する

00:35:27 ~ 00:35:29 level I do acknowledge that there is

00:35:29 ~ 00:35:31 still a lot to be determined but I
to be determined 将来決定する、未定、未使用

00:35:31 ~ 00:35:32 really like the direction that things

00:35:32 ~ 00:35:34 are going in here and I don’t want to

00:35:34 ~ 00:35:36 speak too soon but it appears that Raf

00:35:36 ~ 00:35:41 has found a home for himself at Prada

00:35:46 ~ 00:35:48 when it’s all said and done truly
when all is said and done つまるところ、究極は、結局は

00:35:48 ~ 00:35:49 believe that Raf Simons will go down
go down 〔後々まで〕記憶される、思い出に残る◆「~として」にあたるas ~が続く。

00:35:49 ~ 00:35:51 as one of the most influential designers

00:35:51 ~ 00:35:54 to have ever lived he’s left his imprint
leave an imprint on 強い印象を~に残す

00:35:54 ~ 00:35:55 on countless other designers and

00:35:55 ~ 00:35:57 single-handedly changed to the concept
single-handedly 人の手を借りずに、独力で、単独で、自力で

00:35:57 ~ 00:36:00 of high fashion for an entire generation

00:36:00 ~ 00:36:02 but what’s crazy for me to think about

00:36:02 ~ 00:36:04 is that this almost never happened I

00:36:04 ~ 00:36:05 mean what if he had never attended that

00:36:05 ~ 00:36:08 Margiela show before that fashion had

00:36:08 ~ 00:36:10 never even crossed his mind he was so
cross someone’s mind 〔考え・過去の記憶などが〕(人)の頭[脳裏]をよぎる、(人)の心に浮かぶ

00:36:10 ~ 00:36:12 far down the path of industrial design
down 本気で、身を入れて

00:36:12 ~ 00:36:14 that he feared it was too late to change
feared 心配した

00:36:14 ~ 00:36:16 course but of all people it was the head
of all people 他の誰よりも、人もあろうに

00:36:16 ~ 00:36:18 of the fashion department at the royal

00:36:18 ~ 00:36:20 academy of arts and Antwerp that sat him

00:36:20 ~ 00:36:21 down and said he didn’t need to go to

00:36:21 ~ 00:36:24 school for fashion he just needed to try

00:36:24 ~ 00:36:27 it taking her advice that’s what he did
take someone’s advice (人)のアドバイス[助言・忠告・意見]を聞く[聞き入れる・受け入れる]、(人)のアドバイス[助言・忠告・意見・勧め]に従う、(人)の言うことを聞く、(人)に耳を貸す、(人)に相談する

00:36:27 ~ 00:36:29 and here we are nearly 25 years later

00:36:29 ~ 00:36:31 and that same kid who thought it was too

00:36:31 ~ 00:36:33 late for him is one of the most widely

00:36:33 ~ 00:36:35 recognized figureheads in the history of
figurehead 名目上の長[リーダー]

00:36:35 ~ 00:36:36 the art form
art form 芸術形式

00:36:36 ~ 00:36:38 by now you can probably tell that I’m a
by now 今頃はもう、そろそろ

00:36:38 ~ 00:36:40 big fan of Raf’s work but the main

00:36:40 ~ 00:36:42 reason I wanted to make this video is to

00:36:42 ~ 00:36:44 help people appreciate his story as much
appreciate 〔~を〕正しく[正当に]評価[理解・認識]する、十分[よく]理解する、敏感に察する、〔~が〕分かる

00:36:44 ~ 00:36:46 as they appreciate his clothing so there
there you have it というわけで、以上、終わり。

00:36:46 ~ 00:36:49 you have it that is everything I wanted

00:36:49 ~ 00:36:50 to touch on for the history of Raf
touch on 〔議論の中で話題などに〕軽く触れる、言及する

00:36:50 ~ 00:36:51 Simons

00:36:51 ~ 00:36:53 I’m already working on new videos and

00:36:53 ~ 00:36:55 I’ll be trying to put one out every week
put out 生み出す、生産する、製造する、出版する、本を出す、発行する、発売する、公開する

00:36:55 ~ 00:36:57 so if you want to stay up to date on
stay up-to-date on 〔最新の情報・状況などを〕常に把握している、〔最新の情報・状況など〕に遅れないで[いつも通じて]いる

00:36:57 ~ 00:36:59 those make sure you subscribe and also

00:36:59 ~ 00:37:02 follow me on Instagram Threaducation

00:37:02 ~ 00:37:03 for updates

00:37:03 ~ 00:37:05 other than that thank you all for
other than that それ以外は、それを別とすれば

00:37:05 ~ 00:37:09 watching and I will see you next time

