YouTube英語動画勉強17 The History of Raf Simons Part2


Raf Simonsの歴史についての動画です。


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00:12:59 ~ 00:13:01 he was facing all of these problems the

00:13:01 ~ 00:13:03 university of applied arts in Vienna
applied art 応用美術

00:13:03 ~ 00:13:05 Austria offered him a position as the

00:13:05 ~ 00:13:07 head of their fashion department not

00:13:07 ~ 00:13:09 only was this a prestigious position but

00:13:09 ~ 00:13:11 it afforded him the opportunity to take
afford 〔+間接目的語+直接目的語 〈ものが〉〈人・ものに〉〈…を〉与える; 〔人・ものに〕〈…を〉与える.

00:13:11 ~ 00:13:14 a step out of the spotlight I also want
take a step 一歩進む

00:13:14 ~ 00:13:16 to point out how crazy it is that he had

00:13:16 ~ 00:13:18 only been in the industry for five years

00:13:18 ~ 00:13:20 had no formal fashion training and was

00:13:20 ~ 00:13:22 now being asked to lead this

00:13:22 ~ 00:13:24 university’s fashion department Raf

00:13:24 ~ 00:13:26 ended up accepting the offer and

00:13:26 ~ 00:13:27 officially began what would become a

00:13:27 ~ 00:13:29 one-year hiatus from his label while I
hiatus 〔活動・計画・仕事などの〕中断、休止、停滞

00:13:29 ~ 00:13:31 wouldn’t say that this was a long hiatus

00:13:31 ~ 00:13:33 there were concerns that he’d lose some

00:13:33 ~ 00:13:34 of the momentum that he’d built for

00:13:34 ~ 00:13:36 himself with his earlier collections but

00:13:36 ~ 00:13:39 when he made his return in 2001 he laid

00:13:39 ~ 00:13:41 those doubts to rest during his time off
rest 休む、休息する、休憩する、休養する、眠る

00:13:41 ~ 00:13:43 he’d narrowed down his team partnered
partner with ~とパートナーになる、~と手を結ぶ、~と組む、~と提携する

00:13:43 ~ 00:13:45 with a new manufacturer and sought new

00:13:45 ~ 00:13:47 sources of inspiration with the end
end result 《an ~》〔長い過程や一連の出来事の〕結末、最終結果

00:13:47 ~ 00:13:50 result being his now legendary fall 2001
legendary 伝説的な、伝説に残るほど有名な

00:13:50 ~ 00:13:52 menswear collection titled Riot Riot

00:13:52 ~ 00:13:54 Riot the name alone should be enough to

00:13:54 ~ 00:13:56 tell you that the collection was

00:13:56 ~ 00:13:57 inspired by the same spirit of

00:13:57 ~ 00:13:59 rebelliousness that had inspired
rebelliousness 反抗、反逆

00:13:59 ~ 00:14:01 previous collections like Black Palms

00:14:01 ~ 00:14:03 but unlike Black Palms which had many of

00:14:03 ~ 00:14:05 the models going shirtless Riot Riot

00:14:05 ~ 00:14:08 Riot was a master class in layering in a
layer 重ね着する

00:14:08 ~ 00:14:10 later interview Raf said that his

00:14:10 ~ 00:14:12 fascination with layering came from
fascination 魅了(された状態)、魅惑、強い興味、心をグイグイ引き付けられること
fascination with ~に魅惑されること、~に感じている魅力

00:14:12 ~ 00:14:14 seeing kids in Vienna pile on as many

00:14:14 ~ 00:14:15 pieces as they could just to make it
make it through ~をうまくやり遂げる、~を何とかやっていく、うまく通り抜ける、何とか~を切り抜ける[乗り越える]

00:14:15 ~ 00:14:18 through the harsh European winters from

00:14:18 ~ 00:14:19 there he mixed in some of his signature
signature 〔衣類が〕デザイナーの名前入りの

00:14:19 ~ 00:14:21 elements with graphic patches designed

00:14:21 ~ 00:14:24 by Peter De Potter extended proportions
Peter De Potter ( ピーター・デ・ポッター ) とは 1970年生まれ、アントワープ王立芸術アカデミー出身。ベルギーを拠点に活動中のビジュアルアーティスト
proportion 《proportions》〔物事の〕重要度、《proportions》〔他と比較したときの〕大きさ、サイズ

00:14:24 ~ 00:14:26 and cut off sleeves to create what is

00:14:26 ~ 00:14:28 arguably his most critically acclaimed
arguably 〔見解・意見などが〕ほぼ間違いなく、議論の余地はあるかもしれないが◆【用法】文全体を修飾する。
critically 非常に、とても、決定的に、批判的に(言えば)、酷評して、批判して、批評的に

00:14:28 ~ 00:14:30 collection to date we’ll be talking
date ~から始まる、時代物である、古風になる、時代遅れになる

00:14:30 ~ 00:14:31 about some of his other critically

00:14:31 ~ 00:14:33 acclaimed collections in just a bit but

00:14:33 ~ 00:14:35 you simply cannot talk about the history

00:14:35 ~ 00:14:37 of Raf Simons without bringing up Riot
bring up 〔話題・議題・案・問題などを〕持ち出す、言い出す、指摘する、提起する、提出する、提示する

00:14:37 ~ 00:14:40 Riot Riot and nowadays pieces from this

00:14:40 ~ 00:14:42 collection are among the most coveted in
coveted 誰もが欲しがる[待ち望む]

00:14:42 ~ 00:14:44 all of fashion one such piece is the

00:14:44 ~ 00:14:46 riot bomber jacket as has been seen on

00:14:46 ~ 00:14:48 Kanye West and just to put into
put ~ in(to) perspective 物事の全体像を捉える、広い視野で物事を見る

00:14:48 ~ 00:14:49 perspective how much people love this

00:14:49 ~ 00:14:51 collection one of these jackets sold for

00:14:51 ~ 00:14:54 47 thousand dollars on Grailed back in
Grailed ファッション通販サイト?かも。→

00:14:54 ~ 00:14:57 2018. that is quite a hefty price but
hefty price 《a ~》高額な価格

00:14:57 ~ 00:14:59 it’s a price that some are willing to

00:14:59 ~ 00:15:01 pay for a piece of fashion history and

00:15:01 ~ 00:15:04 that’s truly what it is Riot Riot Riot

00:15:04 ~ 00:15:06 was by itself a brilliant collection but

00:15:06 ~ 00:15:08 you have to remember that it also marked

00:15:08 ~ 00:15:10 Raf’s return to fashion and it kicked
kick off 〔試合・イベント・仕事・会議など〕始まる、始める、開始する、火蓋を切る、幕を切って落とす、幕を開ける

00:15:10 ~ 00:15:12 off what is personally my favorite

00:15:12 ~ 00:15:14 period in his career

00:15:14 ~ 00:15:16 after this came Raf’s spring 2002

00:15:16 ~ 00:15:18 collection and with it he demonstrated

00:15:18 ~ 00:15:20 his ability to balance beauty and chaos
chaos 〔状態の〕混沌、大混乱

00:15:20 ~ 00:15:22 in total there were more than 70

00:15:22 ~ 00:15:24 different looks many of them in all

00:15:24 ~ 00:15:26 white unlike some of his previous

00:15:26 ~ 00:15:28 collections which had been all black and

00:15:28 ~ 00:15:30 the shrouded models carrying torches
shroud 覆う、包む
torch たいまつ、光明、点火棒、カンテラ、光

00:15:30 ~ 00:15:32 down a dimly lit runway invoked a sense
dimly 薄暗く、lit lightの過去形
dimly lit 《be ~》薄暗い明かりが灯っている
invoke 〔~を〕思い起こさせる、引き起こす、かき立てる、誘い出す、呼び覚ます

00:15:32 ~ 00:15:34 of mayhem to me this collection
mayhem 〔非常な恐怖・興奮による〕大混乱、大騒ぎ

00:15:34 ~ 00:15:35 showcased Raf’s development as a
showcase 〔目立たせるために~を〕見せる、展示する、紹介する

00:15:35 ~ 00:15:37 designer because it proved he no longer

00:15:37 ~ 00:15:39 needed to use things like anarchy
anarchy 〔一般的な〕混乱、無秩序

00:15:39 ~ 00:15:41 symbols to convey a sense of anarchy he

00:15:41 ~ 00:15:43 was now letting the pieces speak for

00:15:43 ~ 00:15:44 themselves and the message was coming
come through 〔情報などが〕届く、入ってくる、伝わる

00:15:44 ~ 00:15:47 through loud and clear I’ll also add
loud and clear 明確な、はっきりした

00:15:47 ~ 00:15:48 that this collection included the

00:15:48 ~ 00:15:50 collapse hoodie and while it’s not quite

00:15:50 ~ 00:15:52 as coveted as the riot bomber it’s still
coveted 誰もが欲しがる[待ち望む]

00:15:52 ~ 00:15:55 a favorite among collectors

00:15:55 ~ 00:15:57 moving on Raf’s next collection is one

00:15:57 ~ 00:15:59 that I’m very excited to talk about

00:15:59 ~ 00:16:01 because it may very well be my favorite

00:16:01 ~ 00:16:03 that he’s ever made here I’m talking

00:16:03 ~ 00:16:05 about his fall 2002 collection titled

00:16:05 ~ 00:16:08 Virginia Creeper right off the bat the
right off the bat 〈米話〉すぐに、直ちに

00:16:08 ~ 00:16:10 concept is brilliant in the other

00:16:10 ~ 00:16:11 collections we’ve talked about he

00:16:11 ~ 00:16:13 explored concepts related to man-made
concept 〔製品などの〕構想、コンセプト
man-made 人間が作り出した、人工の、人造の、人為の、人為的な、〔繊維などが〕合成の

00:16:13 ~ 00:16:15 insurrections such as anarchy but with
insurrection 反乱、暴動、謀反

00:16:15 ~ 00:16:17 Virginia Creeper his intention was to

00:16:17 ~ 00:16:20 explore natural-born destruction that’s
natural-born 〔技能・資質などが〕生まれつきの、先天的な、その土地で生まれた
destruction 破壊[破滅]すること[過程]、破壊された[破滅した]状態

00:16:20 ~ 00:16:21 why it’s called Virginia Creeper which

00:16:21 ~ 00:16:23 is a type of vine known for overtaking
vine 《植物》ブドウの木[つる]、〔つる植物の〕つる
overtake 〔前の人や車などを〕追い越す、追い抜く,〔人や乗り物などに〕追い付く、間に合う

00:16:23 ~ 00:16:25 and destroying surrounding plants to

00:16:25 ~ 00:16:28 drive this home he staged the show in a
stage 〔演劇や映画を〕演出する、監督する、〔イベントを〕主催する、計画的に実施する

00:16:28 ~ 00:16:30 forest-like setting and had each model

00:16:30 ~ 00:16:32 skulk into the light before returning
skulk 〔コソコソと〕動き回る

00:16:32 ~ 00:16:33 into the dark background from which they

00:16:33 ~ 00:16:35 came as you can see he’s stuck with
stuck with 《be ~》~に行き詰まっている

00:16:35 ~ 00:16:38 mostly earthy tones and the real focus
earthy 現実的な、世俗的な、〔言葉・冗談などが〕野卑な、下品な、低俗な、〔性格などが〕自然な、気取らない

00:16:38 ~ 00:16:39 for him here was layering different

00:16:39 ~ 00:16:41 materials this is something he really

00:16:41 ~ 00:16:43 pushed to the limit as you can see with
push ~ to the limit ~を限界に達せさせる、~をいっぱいにする

00:16:43 ~ 00:16:45 the one fit where he literally places a

00:16:45 ~ 00:16:48 translucent coat over a letterman jacket

00:16:48 ~ 00:16:49 other than that we also saw him

00:16:49 ~ 00:16:52 incorporate leather camo and of course a

00:16:52 ~ 00:16:55 handful of pieces with graphics none
a handful of 少量の~、少数の~、一握りの
no more ~ than A Aと同じくらい~でない、~でないのはAと同じ

00:16:55 ~ 00:16:56 more popular than the now iconic

00:16:56 ~ 00:16:59 Nebraska sweater this is yet another

00:16:59 ~ 00:17:00 piece that is highly coveted by
coveted 誰もが欲しがる[待ち望む]

00:17:00 ~ 00:17:02 collectors and to tell you the truth
to tell you the truth 実は、実を言うと

00:17:02 ~ 00:17:04 it’s kind of hard to explain what makes

00:17:04 ~ 00:17:06 this so great I mean after all it is

00:17:06 ~ 00:17:09 just a sweater that says Nebraska so why

00:17:09 ~ 00:17:11 all the hype well Virginia Creeper is
hype 〈俗〉誇大広告、刺激的な宣伝

00:17:11 ~ 00:17:13 widely considered to be one of his best

00:17:13 ~ 00:17:15 collections and the fact of the matter
fact of the matter is that 《The ~》実際には〔that以下〕である

00:17:15 ~ 00:17:16 is that this is the most recognizable
recognizable 見分けのつく、認識できる、目に見える、はっきりとした、見覚えがある、承認できる

00:17:16 ~ 00:17:19 piece it may not be as intricate as the
intricate 〔構造・模様などが〕複雑な

00:17:19 ~ 00:17:21 green leather trench coats but when you

00:17:21 ~ 00:17:23 see this sweater you instantly know that
instantly すぐに、すぐさま、一瞬にして[のうちに]、瞬時に、即座に、即時に、あっという間に、瞬く間に、たちまち、たちどころに、途端に、間髪を入れず、時を移さず、見る見る(うちに)

00:17:23 ~ 00:17:24 you’re looking at a standout garment
garment 〔1着の〕衣服、衣類

00:17:24 ~ 00:17:26 from one of his best bodies of work I
body of work 《a ~》一連の作品

00:17:26 ~ 00:17:28 feel like I should mention that this

00:17:28 ~ 00:17:29 wasn’t the only standout graphic from

00:17:29 ~ 00:17:31 the collection because there was an

00:17:31 ~ 00:17:33 actual Virginia Creeper logo hoodie as

00:17:33 ~ 00:17:36 well it may not be as bold but this is
bold 力強い、奔放な、勇敢な、大胆な、冒険的な、力強い、奔放な、はっきりした、際立った、目立つ、派手な

00:17:36 ~ 00:17:37 another piece that collectors are

00:17:37 ~ 00:17:39 obsessed with and it’s not uncommon to
obsessed with 《be ~》~で頭がいっぱいである、~に取りつかれている、~のことしか考えてない、~に夢中である
uncommon 珍しい、めったに見られない、まれな、素晴らしい、卓越した

00:17:39 ~ 00:17:41 see original versions of this in the

00:17:41 ~ 00:17:43 Nebraska sweater reselling for thousands

00:17:43 ~ 00:17:45 of dollars online that’s enough of that

00:17:45 ~ 00:17:47 though because I think you guys get the
get the point (人)の話のポイント[要点]を理解する[把握する・つかむ]、(人)の言いたいことが分かる、(人)の話の核心をつかむ

00:17:47 ~ 00:17:49 point which is that Raf came back from
come back from 〜から戻る

00:17:49 ~ 00:17:51 his hiatus at the top of his game and
hiatus 〈文〉〔活動・計画・仕事などの〕中断、休止、停滞
at the top of one’s game 絶好調で

00:17:51 ~ 00:17:53 quickly became one of the most

00:17:53 ~ 00:17:55 distinguished designers in fashion
distinguished 〔人が能力や功績などで〕名高い、著名な

00:17:55 ~ 00:17:57 he was doing everything right but in a

00:17:57 ~ 00:17:59 twist of fate it was actually a sequence
twist of fate 《a ~》運命の意外な[思わぬ]展開
sequence 連続(するもの)、ひと続きのもの、相次いで起こること

00:17:59 ~ 00:18:01 of events completely out of his control

00:18:01 ~ 00:18:03 that changed the trajectory of his
trajectory 〔人生などの〕軌跡、通り道

00:18:03 ~ 00:18:07 career forever

00:18:18 ~ 00:18:20 for this next part of the story I need

00:18:20 ~ 00:18:23 to provide a little bit of context Jil
context 文脈、〔文中の言葉の〕前後関係、〔事件などの〕事情、背景、状況

00:18:23 ~ 00:18:25 Sander is a german-born fashion designer

00:18:25 ~ 00:18:26 who at some point I’m sure I’ll be
at some point ある時点で、いつか、ある時期に

00:18:26 ~ 00:18:28 making an entire video about but for the

00:18:28 ~ 00:18:30 purposes of this video just know that

00:18:30 ~ 00:18:32 she launched a luxury label under her

00:18:32 ~ 00:18:35 own name in 1973 and by the early 2000s

00:18:35 ~ 00:18:37 it had become one of the biggest in all

00:18:37 ~ 00:18:39 of fashion it was so big in fact that

00:18:39 ~ 00:18:42 the Prada group purchased a 75 stake

00:18:42 ~ 00:18:44 in the brand for an undisclosed price

00:18:44 ~ 00:18:46 this promised to be a mutually

00:18:46 ~ 00:18:48 beneficial acquisition one that would

00:18:48 ~ 00:18:50 allow Jill sander to continue growing

00:18:50 ~ 00:18:52 her label but it was only after the Inca

00:18:52 ~ 00:18:53 drive that she began feuding with
feud with ~との確執

00:18:53 ~ 00:18:56 Prada’s CEO Patrizio Bertelli while the

00:18:56 ~ 00:18:58 details of this feud were obviously not
feud 不和、敵意、抗争

00:18:58 ~ 00:19:00 made public the belief is that they had
make public 公表する
belief 証拠はないが真実である・存在すると〕信じる[思い込む]こと、〔真実である・存在すると信じる〕信念、確信、思い込み、考え、意見、〔人などに対する〕信用、〔宗教などに対する〕信仰

00:19:00 ~ 00:19:02 very different ideas of where to take

00:19:02 ~ 00:19:04 the brand and were unable to reach any

00:19:04 ~ 00:19:06 sort of compromise
compromise 譲歩、妥協(案[策])、歩み寄り、和解、示談

00:19:06 ~ 00:19:08 in a move that shocked everyone Jil

00:19:08 ~ 00:19:10 ended up leaving her namesake label just
namesake 〔特に有名人と〕同名の人[もの]

00:19:10 ~ 00:19:12 six months after the acquisition and the

00:19:12 ~ 00:19:14 Prada group hastily brought in Milan
hastily 急いで、急に、急きょ、慌てて

00:19:14 ~ 00:19:16 Vukmirovic as her replacement
Milan Vukmirovic 2001年秋冬シーズンからジル サンダーのデザイナーに就任。

00:19:16 ~ 00:19:18 unfortunately this did not pan out too
pan out 成功する、計画がうまくいく

00:19:18 ~ 00:19:21 well because in 2001 the brand lost

00:19:21 ~ 00:19:24 nearly 10 million dollars and in 2002 it

00:19:24 ~ 00:19:26 lost nearly 30 million dollars

00:19:26 ~ 00:19:28 in other words this was shaping up to be
shape up どう訳すべきか謎??

00:19:28 ~ 00:19:30 an investment gone horribly wrong for
go wrong 〔物事が〕誤った[間違った・悪い]方向に進む[向かう]、うまくいかない、堕落する

00:19:30 ~ 00:19:32 the Prada group and out of desperation
desperation 自暴自棄、死に物狂い、やけくそ

00:19:32 ~ 00:19:34 they reached out to Jil Sander hoping
reach out to ~に手を差し出す、~に接触する、~に働き掛ける、~と心を通わせる、(人)に援助の手を差し伸べる

00:19:34 ~ 00:19:36 to negotiate her return on her terms she
on one’s terms ~の条件どおりで

00:19:36 ~ 00:19:39 agreed to rejoin the label in 2003 but

00:19:39 ~ 00:19:41 by 2004 she was once again having

00:19:41 ~ 00:19:44 problems with Patricio Bertelli and once

00:19:44 ~ 00:19:46 again resigned at this point the Prada
at this point 現在のところ、現段階[時点]で(は)◆現在起きていることや状況は長続きしないことを含意する。

00:19:46 ~ 00:19:48 group was really out of options they’d
out of option 《be ~》選択の余地はない◆通例複数形のoptionsを用いる。

00:19:48 ~ 00:19:50 acquired Jil Sander the label driven
drive away 〔虫・誘惑・苦痛などを〕追い払う、追い散らす、撃退する

00:19:50 ~ 00:19:53 away Jil Sander the designer and when

00:19:53 ~ 00:19:55 they tried replacing her the result was

00:19:55 ~ 00:19:56 disastrous
disastrous 災害を引き起こす、破滅的な、〔被害などが〕悲惨な

00:19:56 ~ 00:19:58 their backs were up against the wall and
back is against the wall 《one’s ~》追い詰められた状態である、窮地に陥っている
up against the wall 《be ~》八方塞がりである、壁に突き当たっている

00:19:58 ~ 00:19:59 they really could not afford to make

00:19:59 ~ 00:20:01 another mistake

00:20:01 ~ 00:20:03 now more than ever they needed a savior
more than ever ますます、これまで以上に
savior 救助者、救い手、救済者、救い主、救世主

00:20:03 ~ 00:20:04 and with that in mind they set their
with that in mind その点[こと]を考慮して[考慮に入れて・念頭に置いて]
set one’s sights on ~に照準を合わせる[狙いを定める]、〈比喩〉~に狙いをつける、~を手に入れようとする、~を目指す

00:20:04 ~ 00:20:07 sights on Raf Simons as we just

00:20:07 ~ 00:20:09 discussed in detail Raf was one of the

00:20:09 ~ 00:20:11 hottest designers in the industry during

00:20:11 ~ 00:20:13 the early 2000s and on the heels of
on the heels of ~のすぐ後に続いて、~の余波で

00:20:13 ~ 00:20:15 collections like Riot Riot Riot and

00:20:15 ~ 00:20:17 Virginia Creeper the resounding
resounding 〔名声などがひどく〕際だった、目立つ、はっきりとした、断固とした、〈成功など〉めざましい,顕著な.

00:20:17 ~ 00:20:19 sentiment was that he could do no wrong
sentiment 気持ち、感情、心情、感傷

00:20:19 ~ 00:20:21 this made him the obvious choice for
obvious choice 当然の[分かりきった]選択

00:20:21 ~ 00:20:23 Jil Sander but let’s stop for one
for one second = for a second 少し[ちょっと]の間、一瞬

00:20:23 ~ 00:20:24 second and think about this from Raf’s

00:20:24 ~ 00:20:26 perspective

00:20:26 ~ 00:20:28 at this point his own label had never

00:20:28 ~ 00:20:29 been more successful and let’s not

00:20:29 ~ 00:20:31 forget that he was still the head of the

00:20:31 ~ 00:20:33 fashion department at the university of

00:20:33 ~ 00:20:35 applied arts in Vienna so why would he

00:20:35 ~ 00:20:36 spend his time trying to save a

00:20:36 ~ 00:20:38 distressed fashion house like Jil
distressed 〔十分な金がなくて〕困窮した、行き詰まった

00:20:38 ~ 00:20:39 Sander

00:20:39 ~ 00:20:41 well first off you have to remember that
first off 〈話〉最初に

00:20:41 ~ 00:20:42 despite the issues it was having at the

00:20:42 ~ 00:20:45 moment Jil Sander was still one of the

00:20:45 ~ 00:20:46 most respected fashion houses in the

00:20:46 ~ 00:20:49 industry now I can’t say for certain but
can’t say for certain but 確かなことはいえないが

00:20:49 ~ 00:20:51 there may have been a part of Raf that

00:20:51 ~ 00:20:53 always wanted to go work for a respected

00:20:53 ~ 00:20:55 fashion house like this because in the

00:20:55 ~ 00:20:57 fashion industry that is the end goal
end goal 最終目標

00:20:57 ~ 00:20:59 for a lot of designers

00:20:59 ~ 00:21:01 moreover I think that Raf knew how badly

00:21:01 ~ 00:21:02 Jil Sander was struggling and this

00:21:02 ~ 00:21:04 would not only be a great way to

00:21:04 ~ 00:21:06 challenge himself but if he pulled it
pull it off 〈俗〉うまくやる、成功する
pull off 〈話〉〔困難な状況の中で~を〕うまくやり通す、成功させる

00:21:06 ~ 00:21:08 off he would easily become one of the

00:21:08 ~ 00:21:10 most sought-after designers in fashion
sought-after 需要[人気]が高くて入手[利用]困難な、引っ張りだこの、引く手あまたの

00:21:10 ~ 00:21:11 which would of course open the door for

00:21:11 ~ 00:21:13 him to go work at other fashion houses

00:21:13 ~ 00:21:16 further down the line surely that was
further down the line = in the future

00:21:16 ~ 00:21:17 enough reason to go give this a chance

00:21:17 ~ 00:21:19 but I think what really sold him was
sell 〔考え・説明などを人に〕納得[受け入れ]させる

00:21:19 ~ 00:21:21 that they were asking him to be the

00:21:21 ~ 00:21:23 creative director for both menswear and

00:21:23 ~ 00:21:24 women’s wear

00:21:24 ~ 00:21:26 with his eponymous label he had only
eponymous 〔会社などが〕創始者の名前を社名にした

00:21:26 ~ 00:21:28 ever ventured into menswear but women’s
venture into 〔危険を冒して〕~の中に入る[踏み込む]、~に足を踏み入れる、思い切って~をやってみる、~に進出[挑戦]する、~に挑む

00:21:28 ~ 00:21:29 wear is something that he’d always

00:21:29 ~ 00:21:32 wanted to try and Jil Sander was

00:21:32 ~ 00:21:34 offering him the budget infrastructure

00:21:34 ~ 00:21:36 and platform to do just that

00:21:36 ~ 00:21:38 all things considered he had more to
all things considered 全てを考えて[考慮して]みると、あれこれ[いろいろな点から・総合的に]考えてみると、全体から見ると

00:21:38 ~ 00:21:41 gain than he had to lose so in 2005 he

00:21:41 ~ 00:21:42 stepped down from his role as the
step down 〔高い地位から〕身を引く、辞任する、退陣する、引退する
step down from ~を辞任する

00:21:42 ~ 00:21:45 university’s fashion department head and

00:21:45 ~ 00:21:46 agreed to become Jil Sander’s new

00:21:46 ~ 00:21:48 creative director

00:21:48 ~ 00:21:49 he officially made his debut with the

00:21:49 ~ 00:21:52 presentation of his fall 2006 menswear
presentation 〔社交界などへの〕披露、デビュー

00:21:52 ~ 00:21:54 collection and while it was distinctly
distinctly 〔知覚や認識などが〕はっきりと、明瞭に、疑いようもなく、際だって

00:21:54 ~ 00:21:56 his own Jil Sander fans were delighted

00:21:56 ~ 00:21:57 to see him building upon the brand’s
build on ~の上に築く、~に基づいて事を進める、~を当てにする、~を足場とする

00:21:57 ~ 00:22:00 history of chic minimalism this was
chic 〈フランス語〉〔服装などが〕しゃれた、あか抜けした、粋な、シックな、上品な

00:22:00 ~ 00:22:02 followed by his fall 2006 ready to wear

00:22:02 ~ 00:22:04 collection and while the aesthetic was
aesthetic 審美眼、美学、美学的思想

00:22:04 ~ 00:22:06 largely the same he had for the first

00:22:06 ~ 00:22:08 time translated it to women’s wear the

00:22:08 ~ 00:22:10 response was positive to say the least
to say the least 控えめに言っても◆文頭で用いられた場合の訳例

00:22:10 ~ 00:22:12 and the Prada group took a sigh of
sigh of relief 安堵のため息

00:22:12 ~ 00:22:14 relief knowing that their decision to

00:22:14 ~ 00:22:16 hire Raf had paid off over the next few
pay off 〔努力や投資などが〕利益[効果]を生む[もたらす・挙げる]、報われる

00:22:16 ~ 00:22:18 years he continued delivering upon his
deliver on one’s promise 約束を果たす

00:22:18 ~ 00:22:20 promise to turn the brand around and
turn around 〔悪い事態・状況などを〕良くする[好転させる]、〔業績などを〕回復させる、〔経営などを〕建て直す

00:22:20 ~ 00:22:22 looking back now I think it’s safe to
look back 〔過去の出来事などについて〕回想する、追憶する
it is safe to say ~と言って(も)いい[間違いない・差し支えない]だろう[でしょう]、~と言えるだろう、~といっても過言ではない

00:22:22 ~ 00:22:24 say that he completed his mission

00:22:24 ~ 00:22:26 when he first joined there was serious

00:22:26 ~ 00:22:27 concern that the brand would never

00:22:27 ~ 00:22:29 return to its former glory but through a
glory 栄光、名誉、誇り

00:22:29 ~ 00:22:31 series of collections that blended

00:22:31 ~ 00:22:32 minimalistic elegance with innovative

00:22:32 ~ 00:22:35 tailoring Raf made it happen
make it happen 実現させる

00:22:35 ~ 00:22:37 also don’t forget that while all of this

00:22:37 ~ 00:22:39 was going on he was still finding

00:22:39 ~ 00:22:41 immense success with his own label and
immense 計り知れない、巨大な、莫大な、広大な、すてきな、素晴らしい

00:22:41 ~ 00:22:43 while he was making progress in many
make progress 進展[進行・進歩]する

00:22:43 ~ 00:22:45 areas the one that stands out to me the

00:22:45 ~ 00:22:48 most is his footwear in particular it

00:22:48 ~ 00:22:50 was in the spring 2008 menswear

00:22:50 ~ 00:22:52 collection for Raf Simmons that we first

00:22:52 ~ 00:22:54 saw the dish style hiking boots I

00:22:54 ~ 00:22:56 wouldn’t exactly call these a massive
call 〔~を…と〕考える[思う・見なす]、〔~を…に〕分類する

00:22:56 ~ 00:22:58 commercial success because they are a

00:22:58 ~ 00:23:00 bit hard for the casual fan to wear and

00:23:00 ~ 00:23:02 plus they were extremely limited but it

00:23:02 ~ 00:23:03 was an approach to footwear that we’d

00:23:03 ~ 00:23:05 never really seen from him before and as

00:23:05 ~ 00:23:07 we’ll come to see in just a bit footwear

00:23:07 ~ 00:23:09 would be a major part of his appeal to

00:23:09 ~ 00:23:11 younger generations

00:23:11 ~ 00:23:13 so between the work that he was doing at

00:23:13 ~ 00:23:14 his own label and the work that he was

00:23:14 ~ 00:23:16 doing at Jil Sander there was no

00:23:16 ~ 00:23:18 denying that he was on a hot streak
there is no denying (that or 名詞節) ~は否定できない
there is no ~ing ~することができない
hot streak 連勝

00:23:18 ~ 00:23:19 which is exactly why people were

00:23:19 ~ 00:23:22 surprised when they heard the news Raf

00:23:22 ~ 00:23:25 had been fired

00:23:30 ~ 00:23:32 Raf’s departure from Jil Sander was a

00:23:32 ~ 00:23:33 bit complicated because there were

00:23:33 ~ 00:23:35 several moving parts but I’ll do my best
moving part 〔計画などの〕変動[不確定]要素

00:23:35 ~ 00:23:38 to explain earlier on I speculated that
speculate 〔~について〕じっくり考える、熟考する、〔不確かな証拠に基づいて〕推測[臆測]する

00:23:38 ~ 00:23:40 one of the reasons he joined Jil Sander

00:23:40 ~ 00:23:42 in the first place was to market himself
in the first place まず第一に、最初に、そもそも
market 〔広告などの努力をして~を〕売り込む、市場に出す

00:23:42 ~ 00:23:44 to other bigger fashion houses and that

00:23:44 ~ 00:23:46 does appear to have been the case right

00:23:46 ~ 00:23:47 before he got fired there were several

00:23:47 ~ 00:23:49 unconfirmed rumors that he was

00:23:49 ~ 00:23:51 interviewing for jobs at Dior and Yves
interview for a job 就職の面接を受ける

00:23:51 ~ 00:23:53 Saint Laurent and there were also rumors

00:23:53 ~ 00:23:55 that Jil Sander herself wanted to make

00:23:55 ~ 00:23:57 a return and this leads me to my next
leave to 〔物事が〕~を引き起こす、~の原因となる

00:23:57 ~ 00:24:00 point it was the Prada group that hired

00:24:00 ~ 00:24:01 Raf and they loved him because he

00:24:01 ~ 00:24:04 basically saved the brand but in 2006

00:24:04 ~ 00:24:06 just one year after he joined they sold

00:24:06 ~ 00:24:08 Jil Sander to the private equity group

00:24:08 ~ 00:24:11 change capital partners then in 2008
capital 《経済》〔生産要素の〕資本

00:24:11 ~ 00:24:13 change capital partners sold it to the

00:24:13 ~ 00:24:16 Japanese fashion giant ONWARD holdings

00:24:16 ~ 00:24:17 this is a side of the fashion industry

00:24:17 ~ 00:24:19 that we never really talk about and I

00:24:19 ~ 00:24:21 understand if many of you don’t find

00:24:21 ~ 00:24:22 this too interesting but it’s important

00:24:22 ~ 00:24:24 to understand that there are large

00:24:24 ~ 00:24:25 companies treating these brands like

00:24:25 ~ 00:24:28 investments and more often than not it

00:24:28 ~ 00:24:29 can have a legitimate impact on the
legitimate 合法の、合法的な、適法の、合理的な、論理的な、筋の通った、〔社会の基準に照らして〕正当な、まっとうな

00:24:29 ~ 00:24:31 things that we do talk about like who

00:24:31 ~ 00:24:33 the creative director is

00:24:33 ~ 00:24:35 case in point the dismissal of Raf
case in point 《a ~》ぴったりした例、好適例、好例、適例、代表例、典型、目下の論点[問題点]
dismissal 〔人の〕免職、解職、解雇、〔考えを〕放棄すること、〔提案などの〕棄却

00:24:35 ~ 00:24:36 Simons was really nothing more than a
nothing more than ~にすぎない、~でしかない

00:24:36 ~ 00:24:38 business decision I’ve even heard that

00:24:38 ~ 00:24:40 ONWARD wanted Raf to stay but because

00:24:40 ~ 00:24:42 he was looking to leave and Jill Sander
look to ~を目指す、~しようと試みる、~しようとする

00:24:42 ~ 00:24:44 was looking to return the choice for

00:24:44 ~ 00:24:46 them was simple now you might be

00:24:46 ~ 00:24:47 wondering if Raf wanted to leave then

00:24:47 ~ 00:24:49 what’s the big deal well I think that

00:24:49 ~ 00:24:51 Bridget Foley from women’s wear daily

00:24:51 ~ 00:24:53 accurately described his dismissal as

00:24:53 ~ 00:24:56 unceremonious he had spent the past
unceremonious 儀式[形式]ばらない,打ち解けた、無作法な,無遠慮な,失礼な,ぶっきらぼうな,がさつな

00:24:56 ~ 00:24:58 seven years revitalizing Jil Sander and

00:24:58 ~ 00:25:00 while this is only speculation it seems

00:25:00 ~ 00:25:02 to appear that they let him go with
let someone go 解雇する

00:25:02 ~ 00:25:04 nothing more than a one week notice
nothing more than ~にすぎない、~でしかない

00:25:04 ~ 00:25:05 because he had not yet signed a contract

00:25:05 ~ 00:25:07 with any other fashion houses and the

00:25:07 ~ 00:25:09 official statement came out just a few

00:25:09 ~ 00:25:11 days before what would be his final show

00:25:11 ~ 00:25:13 some of you may already be familiar with

00:25:13 ~ 00:25:15 this show because it led to what is

00:25:15 ~ 00:25:17 likely the most famous photo of Raf

00:25:17 ~ 00:25:19 Simons here he is taking a final bow
take a bow 〔舞台に出て〕礼をして拍手に答える

00:25:19 ~ 00:25:21 after the models have cleared the runway

00:25:21 ~ 00:25:22 and you can see for yourself how

00:25:22 ~ 00:25:25 emotional he is prior to this he had

00:25:25 ~ 00:25:26 never really been one for displaying his

00:25:26 ~ 00:25:28 emotions so you can just imagine how

00:25:28 ~ 00:25:30 profoundly this whole situation must

00:25:30 ~ 00:25:32 have affected him but whether he was

00:25:32 ~ 00:25:34 ready for it or not his time at Jil

00:25:34 ~ 00:25:36 Sander had come to an end and we all
come to an end 終わる

00:25:36 ~ 00:25:38 know that when one door closes another
when one door closes another door opens チャンスを1つ失っても、また別のチャンスがやって来る/捨てる神あれば拾う神あり

00:25:38 ~ 00:25:39 door opens

00:25:39 ~ 00:25:41 several months after leaving Raf

00:25:41 ~ 00:25:43 announced that he had agreed to become

00:25:43 ~ 00:25:44 the creative director of women’s wear

00:25:44 ~ 00:25:47 for Dior a responsibility that included

00:25:47 ~ 00:25:48 directing the house’s couture

00:25:48 ~ 00:25:50 collections just so we’re all on the
on the same page 《be ~》〈米〉〔複数の人々が〕同じ考えを持っている、大筋で同意[合意]している、認識が一致している

00:25:50 ~ 00:25:52 same page couture refers to the design

00:25:52 ~ 00:25:54 of customized high-end garments

00:25:54 ~ 00:25:56 typically dresses and to separate from

00:25:56 ~ 00:25:58 ready to wear which is the type of stuff
ready-to-wear 既製服

00:25:58 ~ 00:25:59 you see on the shelf when you walk into

00:25:59 ~ 00:26:01 the store he had no prior experience

00:26:01 ~ 00:26:03 designing couture collections but while

00:26:03 ~ 00:26:05 designing women’s wear for Jil Sander

