YouTube英語動画勉強15 The History of Margiela Part3


Martin Margielaについて語られている動画をYouTubeで発見したので勉強の教材にしてみます。

Part1はこちらです。→YouTube英語動画勉強13 The History of Margiela Part1

Part2はこちらです。→YouTube英語動画勉強14 The History of Margiela Part2


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00:16:32 ~ 00:16:34 and AMIRI just to name a few
name 〔~の〕名前を挙げる

00:16:34 ~ 00:16:36 it’s not exactly clear why Martin

00:16:36 ~ 00:16:38 decided to sell Margiela but it’s also

00:16:38 ~ 00:16:40 not that crazy to think that he did

00:16:40 ~ 00:16:41 because being purchased by a

00:16:41 ~ 00:16:43 conglomerate is a very common way for

00:16:43 ~ 00:16:45 independent brands to expand that may

00:16:45 ~ 00:16:47 not have been the only reason though

00:16:47 ~ 00:16:49 because around this time rumors started

00:16:49 ~ 00:16:51 circulating that Martin simply wanted to

00:16:51 ~ 00:16:52 step away from fashion
step away from ~から離れる[身を引く]

00:16:52 ~ 00:16:54 while this may have been the case he did

00:16:54 ~ 00:16:57 stick around for a few more years but in
stick around 〈話〉近くにいる、辺りをブラブラする

00:16:57 ~ 00:16:59 2008 the rumors started circulating once

00:16:59 ~ 00:17:02 again and this time they were for real

00:17:02 ~ 00:17:04 Martin Margiela officially retired from

00:17:04 ~ 00:17:05 fashion

00:17:05 ~ 00:17:07 at the time of his retirement he said

00:17:07 ~ 00:17:09 nothing but years later after winning a
nothing but ~だけ、~のみ

00:17:09 ~ 00:17:11 prize at the Belgian fashion awards he

00:17:11 ~ 00:17:13 released a statement explaining his

00:17:13 ~ 00:17:15 departure saying I felt that I could not

00:17:15 ~ 00:17:17 cope anymore with the worldwide

00:17:17 ~ 00:17:19 increasing pressure and the over-growing

00:17:19 ~ 00:17:21 demands of the trade I also regretted

00:17:21 ~ 00:17:23 the overdose of information carried by
overdose 〔薬剤・麻薬の〕過量[過剰]摂取

00:17:23 ~ 00:17:25 social media destroying the thrill of

00:17:25 ~ 00:17:27 weight and cancelling every effective
weight 〔精神的な〕重荷、負担、〔存在・言葉・意見などの〕重要さ、重要性、重み、影響力

00:17:27 ~ 00:17:29 surprise so fundamental for me that

00:17:29 ~ 00:17:32 gives us insight into why he walked away
walk away 立ち去る、遠ざかる、別れる

00:17:32 ~ 00:17:34 and it also gives us insight into why he

00:17:34 ~ 00:17:35 hated the publicity
publicity 〔宣伝によって作られた〕注目、評判、風評、知名度

00:17:35 ~ 00:17:38 after Martin left in 2008 the ownership

00:17:38 ~ 00:17:40 group decided to let the existing design

00:17:40 ~ 00:17:41 team continue running the show without

00:17:41 ~ 00:17:44 identifying any one person as the lead

00:17:44 ~ 00:17:46 this is unusual but it’s not unheard of

00:17:46 ~ 00:17:48 and if you think about it it sort of

00:17:48 ~ 00:17:51 makes perfect sense Margiela is supposed
make perfect sense 完全に筋が通っている、妙に説得力がある、どこもおかしい点はない、つじつまは合っている

00:17:51 ~ 00:17:52 to be this brand without an identifiable
identifiable 〔特定の人や物であると〕確認[識別]できる、〔複数のものを〕同一に扱える、同一と見なせる

00:17:52 ~ 00:17:54 figurehead behind it so if they’d gone
figurehead 名目上の長[リーダー]、傀儡

00:17:54 ~ 00:17:56 and instantly appointed someone like Raf

00:17:56 ~ 00:17:58 Simons they’d have been compromising
compromise 妥協する、譲歩する、歩み寄る、和解する

00:17:58 ~ 00:18:00 that part of the brand’s identity

00:18:00 ~ 00:18:02 now even though we don’t know much about

00:18:02 ~ 00:18:04 who was on the design team we do know

00:18:04 ~ 00:18:05 what they accomplished together and

00:18:05 ~ 00:18:07 while you may not have known it there’s

00:18:07 ~ 00:18:09 a very good chance that you’re familiar

00:18:09 ~ 00:18:10 with their work

00:18:10 ~ 00:18:12 earlier on I joked that the masks in

00:18:12 ~ 00:18:14 Margiela spring 1989 collection were

00:18:14 ~ 00:18:16 giving off kanye vibes and that is no
give off 〔光・気体・熱・雰囲気などを〕出す、発する

00:18:16 ~ 00:18:18 coincidence

00:18:18 ~ 00:18:20 it’s a fairly well-known fact that Kanye

00:18:20 ~ 00:18:22 is a massive fan of Margiela and he’s

00:18:22 ~ 00:18:24 even rapped about it saying what’s that

00:18:24 ~ 00:18:26 jacket Margiela doctors say I’m the

00:18:26 ~ 00:18:28 illest cause I’m suffering from realness
realness 現実

00:18:28 ~ 00:18:30 this might be a bit of a stretch but
stretch ??

00:18:30 ~ 00:18:32 I’ve always imagined that the Margiela

00:18:32 ~ 00:18:34 jacket he’s talking about is the famous

00:18:34 ~ 00:18:36 white lab coat which looks exactly like

00:18:36 ~ 00:18:38 something that a doctor would wear

00:18:38 ~ 00:18:39 either way his passion for the brand
either way どちらにしても

00:18:39 ~ 00:18:41 does not end there because he was

00:18:41 ~ 00:18:43 personally styled by the Margiela team
style 〈服・髪型などを〉特定の[新しい]型に合わせて作る

00:18:43 ~ 00:18:45 for his entire Yeezus tour and this
Yeezus Kanye Westのアルバムタイトル

00:18:45 ~ 00:18:48 included a series of now iconic masks

00:18:48 ~ 00:18:49 while these masks were in part

00:18:49 ~ 00:18:52 customized for him they originated from
originate from ~が起源である、~に由来[起因]する、~から[によって]生じる[起こる]

00:18:52 ~ 00:18:54 one scene in Margiela’s fall 2012 and

00:18:54 ~ 00:18:57 fall 2013 couture collections

00:18:57 ~ 00:18:59 nowadays they’re looked back upon as a
look back upon 〔過去の出来事などを〕回想[追想]する、振り返る

00:18:59 ~ 00:19:01 defining part of this tour and by the
defining 決定的な、特徴付ける

00:19:01 ~ 00:19:03 way if you’re curious he was able to see

00:19:03 ~ 00:19:05 through them the jewels may slightly
see through ~を通して見る、~を見通す、~を透かして見る、透けて見える、透視する、本質を見抜く、正体を見破る
jewel 宝石

00:19:05 ~ 00:19:07 obstruct his vision but other than that
other than ~以外の

00:19:07 ~ 00:19:10 it’s simply an embroidered chiffon vale
embroidered 刺しゅうのある、刺しゅう飾りの
chiffon シフォン◆絹またはナイロンの軽くて柔らかい織物。婦人服やスカーフの素材として使われる。

00:19:10 ~ 00:19:11 another thing that I think is worth
S is worth ~ing の形で、「Sには~する価値がある」

00:19:11 ~ 00:19:14 mentioning here is why Kanye decided to

00:19:14 ~ 00:19:16 wear these masks aside from the fact
aside from 〈米〉〔話題・問題など〕からそれて / 〈米〉~はさておき、~は別として、~はこっちに置いといて、~を除いては◆【類】except for / 〈米〉~の他に、~に加えて、~だけではなく

00:19:16 ~ 00:19:18 that they look amazing he suggested that

00:19:18 ~ 00:19:20 he liked the idea of people going to his

00:19:20 ~ 00:19:22 shows and experiencing his art all

00:19:22 ~ 00:19:24 without ever seeing his face

00:19:24 ~ 00:19:26 I really like that explanation because

00:19:26 ~ 00:19:28 it’s basically the same exact reason

00:19:28 ~ 00:19:29 that Martin never made appearances at
make an appearance 顔を出す[のぞかせる]、顔出しする、現れる、登場する、お目見えする、姿を現す、出現する

00:19:29 ~ 00:19:32 his fashion shows you’re not there to

00:19:32 ~ 00:19:33 see him you’re there to see what he’s

00:19:33 ~ 00:19:35 made for you and the mask provides a

00:19:35 ~ 00:19:37 degree of separation that makes that
a degree of ある程度の~、幾分かの~◆【同】a certain degree of

00:19:37 ~ 00:19:38 possible

00:19:38 ~ 00:19:40 as I’m sure many of you have seen Kanye

00:19:40 ~ 00:19:41 has been wearing masks everywhere

00:19:41 ~ 00:19:44 recently so I wonder if this has been at

00:19:44 ~ 00:19:46 the forefront of his mind and I also
forefront 最前部、最前線、第一線、先端、中心

00:19:46 ~ 00:19:47 wonder if we might see him break out one
break out 〔急に・突然〕起こる[発生する・出現する・始まる]、突発する、激発する、〔戦争などが〕勃発する

00:19:47 ~ 00:19:50 of these Margiela masks anytime soon I
anytime soon 近いうちに、近い将来

00:19:50 ~ 00:19:51 won’t get my hopes up but this is still
get one’s hopes up 高い期待を抱く、期待を寄せる

00:19:51 ~ 00:19:53 a cool part of the brand’s history and

00:19:53 ~ 00:19:55 it was all made possible by the design
make ~ possible ~を可能にする

00:19:55 ~ 00:19:58 team that stepped up when Martin left
step up 強化する、〔仕事などに〕さらに力を入れる、進歩[向上]させる

00:19:58 ~ 00:20:00 as much as everyone loved their work the

00:20:00 ~ 00:20:02 design team would only remain in charge

00:20:02 ~ 00:20:04 until 2014 because that is when John

00:20:04 ~ 00:20:07 Galliano was appointed creative director

00:20:07 ~ 00:20:09 prior to joining Margiela Galliano had

00:20:09 ~ 00:20:11 made a name for himself by directing for
make a name for oneself 名を成す[上げる]、名声を得る[手にする]、名前が売れる

00:20:11 ~ 00:20:13 the likes of Givenchy Dior and his own
likes of 《the ~》~のような人[物]

00:20:13 ~ 00:20:16 eponymous label from a design standpoint
eponymous 〔会社などが〕創始者の名前を社名にした
standpoint 観点、見地、立場◆【類】viewpoint

00:20:16 ~ 00:20:18 he was an interesting choice because his

00:20:18 ~ 00:20:20 proclivity towards extravagance marked a
proclivity 〔好ましくないことへの〕傾向、性癖
extravagance 〔金の〕浪費、行き過ぎた無駄遣い、ぜいたく[無駄遣い]品、〔言葉や行動の〕行き過ぎ、無節制

00:20:20 ~ 00:20:22 new direction for Margiela and from a

00:20:22 ~ 00:20:23 personal standpoint he was a

00:20:23 ~ 00:20:25 questionable choice because there are
questionable 〔真実性・正確性などが〕疑わしい、疑問の余地がある、〔行いや評判などが〕不品行な、いかがわしい

00:20:25 ~ 00:20:27 few designers in recent memory quite as
recent memory 最近の記憶、近時記憶

00:20:27 ~ 00:20:30 controversial as John Galliano

00:20:30 ~ 00:20:32 in 2011 following an altercation at a
altercation 〔短時間の激しい〕口論、言い争い

00:20:32 ~ 00:20:34 bar in Paris where he is said to have

00:20:34 ~ 00:20:36 made anti-semitic remarks he was placed
anti-Semitic 反ユダヤ主義の
make a remark 意見[感想・批評]を述べる

00:20:36 ~ 00:20:38 under arrest and was subsequently
place someone under arrest (人)を逮捕[拘引・拘禁]する

00:20:38 ~ 00:20:40 dismissed from his directorship at Dior
dismiss 〔雇い主が従業員を〕解雇する、免職する、解任する、追放する
directorship 管理職

00:20:40 ~ 00:20:42 afterwards he denied any wrongdoing but
wrongdoing 悪事、不正行為

00:20:42 ~ 00:20:44 his lawyer later stated that the

00:20:44 ~ 00:20:46 outburst was the result of overwhelming
outburst 爆発、感情などがドッとあふれること、噴出
overwhelming 〔感情的に人を〕圧倒する、打ちのめす

00:20:46 ~ 00:20:47 stress and addiction

00:20:47 ~ 00:20:49 Galliano was ultimately found guilty and

00:20:49 ~ 00:20:51 other than a temporary residency with
residency 居住

00:20:51 ~ 00:20:53 Oscar de la Renta he remained out of a
out of job 《be ~》失業している、失業中である

00:20:53 ~ 00:20:56 job until 2014 which is when the OTB

00:20:56 ~ 00:20:58 group invited him to be the new creative

00:20:58 ~ 00:21:01 director of Margiela for obvious reasons

00:21:01 ~ 00:21:03 this decision was a highly contentious
contentious 〔問題などが〕議論を引き起こす、争い[論争・けんか]好きな

00:21:03 ~ 00:21:05 one but Renzo Rosso the founder of the

00:21:05 ~ 00:21:07 OTB group affirmed that he wanted to

00:21:07 ~ 00:21:08 bring about a new stage in Margiela’s
bring about 〔徐々に〕~をもたらす、~を引き起こす

00:21:08 ~ 00:21:10 history and that he was confident in

00:21:10 ~ 00:21:12 Galliano’s talent as a designer to make
make ~ happen ~を実現させる

00:21:12 ~ 00:21:14 that happen

00:21:14 ~ 00:21:16 in his first move as creative director

00:21:16 ~ 00:21:18 Galiano decided to shorten the brand’s

00:21:18 ~ 00:21:20 name from Mason Martin Margiela to Maison

00:21:20 ~ 00:21:22 Margiela in case you aren’t familiar
in case 念のため、万が一(~する場合)の用心に、万が一[もしもの場合]に備えて、何かあるといけないので、~するといけないから、万一~の場合には◆ifよりも口語的

00:21:22 ~ 00:21:24 Mason is simply the French word for

00:21:24 ~ 00:21:26 house making it a common prefix before

00:21:26 ~ 00:21:28 the names of different fashion houses

00:21:28 ~ 00:21:30 as far as his first few collections they

00:21:30 ~ 00:21:32 were relatively tame and to his credit
tame 単調な、大したことのない
to one’s credit 名誉となって,賞賛に値して、自分の業績として,自ら手がけて

00:21:32 ~ 00:21:34 he stuck to many of the same soloists
stick to ~にこだわる、~に固執する、~から離れない、~に忠実である、~に忠誠を示す、~にくっつく、~に粘着する、~に張り付く
soloist 独奏者、独演者、ソリスト

00:21:34 ~ 00:21:36 and color palettes that Martin and his

00:21:36 ~ 00:21:38 design team were known to use but as he

00:21:38 ~ 00:21:40 settled in and became more comfortable
settled in 《be ~》~に落ち着く

00:21:40 ~ 00:21:42 in his new role we can very clearly see

00:21:42 ~ 00:21:44 him start to take more risks
take a risk 危険を冒す、いちかばちか[思い切って]やってみる

00:21:44 ~ 00:21:46 now this is just my opinion and everyone

00:21:46 ~ 00:21:48 is of course entitled to their own but
entitled to 《be ~》~する資格[権限]がある、~を得る[取得する・受ける]資格[権利]がある

00:21:48 ~ 00:21:51 if you ask me the Margiela collections

00:21:51 ~ 00:21:52 in recent years have sort of been a

00:21:52 ~ 00:21:53 mixed bag
mixed bag 寄せ集め

00:21:53 ~ 00:21:55 I mean some of them are just so far

00:21:55 ~ 00:21:57 removed from the brand’s history that if

00:21:57 ~ 00:21:59 I didn’t know any better I’d probably

00:21:59 ~ 00:22:00 have a hard time telling that this was

00:22:00 ~ 00:22:02 Margiela

00:22:02 ~ 00:22:03 on the other hand though there are

00:22:03 ~ 00:22:05 certain collections like the spring 2021

00:22:05 ~ 00:22:07 ready to wear collection that are simply

00:22:07 ~ 00:22:09 fantastic and I’ll even go out on a limb
go out on a limb 〔~を得るために・~を達成するために〕危険を冒す、危ない橋を渡る

00:22:09 ~ 00:22:11 and say that this is one of my favorite

00:22:11 ~ 00:22:13 Margiela collections

00:22:13 ~ 00:22:14 regardless of the quality of his work

00:22:14 ~ 00:22:16 there are still many people today who

00:22:16 ~ 00:22:17 will say that he shouldn’t have the

00:22:17 ~ 00:22:19 position because of the controversy that

00:22:19 ~ 00:22:21 we just talked about but whether you

00:22:21 ~ 00:22:22 love him or hate him it appears that

00:22:22 ~ 00:22:24 John Galliano will be with Margiela for

00:22:24 ~ 00:22:27 the foreseeable future because in 2019
foreseeable 予測[予知]できる、〔将来が〕近い、間近の、〔将来の期間が〕しばらくの[長い]間の

00:22:27 ~ 00:22:29 he renewed his contract for an

00:22:29 ~ 00:22:32 unspecified amount of time that said all
unspecified 特定[明示・指示・特記]されていない、詳細不明の

00:22:32 ~ 00:22:34 we can do now is wait and see what the
all we can do is 〜しかない

00:22:34 ~ 00:22:37 future holds

00:22:43 ~ 00:22:45 before we close there are a few final

00:22:45 ~ 00:22:47 things that I want to address starting

00:22:47 ~ 00:22:49 with the question how does a brand that

00:22:49 ~ 00:22:51 prides itself on being mysterious
pride oneself on ~を自慢する、~を誇る

00:22:51 ~ 00:22:53 maintain relevance in the fast-moving
relevance 〔検討課題などとの〕関わり、関連(性)、つながり

00:22:53 ~ 00:22:55 world of fashion well in some respects
respect 〔特定の〕点、事項

00:22:55 ~ 00:22:58 the answer is obvious as we’ve discussed

00:22:58 ~ 00:23:00 Margiela is preceded by a long history
precede 〔時間的・順序的に~に〕先行する[先んじる・先立つ]、〔時間的・順序的に~より〕先に起る、〔位置的に〕~の前に来る[置く]、~より前方を行く、~より重要な地位にある、上位である、〔~の〕上位に就く

00:23:00 ~ 00:23:02 of quality and innovation that has

00:23:02 ~ 00:23:03 earned it a fiercely dedicated cult
fiercely 〔競争・非難・反対・抗議などが〕激しく、猛烈に
dedicated 献身的な、打ち込んでいる、熱心な、ひたむきな
cult 〔一時的な〕熱狂、(個人)崇拝

00:23:03 ~ 00:23:05 following nevertheless we’ve seemed to

00:23:05 ~ 00:23:07 make a number of attempts to branch out
branch out 〔商売の〕手を広げる

00:23:07 ~ 00:23:09 to a larger audience with one of the

00:23:09 ~ 00:23:11 most prominent examples being their H&M
prominent 人目を引く、目立つ、派手な、有名な、著名な、優れた、卓越した

00:23:11 ~ 00:23:13 collab at face value this might sound a
at face value 額面で、額面どおり(に)、額面価額で、表面[文字]どおりの意味[価値]で

00:23:13 ~ 00:23:15 bit ridiculous because many people

00:23:15 ~ 00:23:17 associate H&M with low quality fast

00:23:17 ~ 00:23:19 fashion but the silhouettes that they

00:23:19 ~ 00:23:21 created for this collaboration actually

00:23:21 ~ 00:23:23 weren’t half bad people still had mixed

00:23:23 ~ 00:23:25 opinions about the whole thing with many

00:23:25 ~ 00:23:26 of them arguing that this collab was

00:23:26 ~ 00:23:28 nothing more than a business decision
nothing more than ~にすぎない、~でしかない

00:23:28 ~ 00:23:30 but hey let’s not forget that whether we

00:23:30 ~ 00:23:33 like it or not fashion is a business

00:23:33 ~ 00:23:34 now this is not the only collaboration

00:23:34 ~ 00:23:36 that I want to talk about because under

00:23:36 ~ 00:23:38 the direction of John Galliano Margiela

00:23:38 ~ 00:23:40 has released a number of sneakers with

00:23:40 ~ 00:23:43 Reebok this is no ordinary collaboration

00:23:43 ~ 00:23:45 though because it fused two classic
fused 融合した、結合した

00:23:45 ~ 00:23:46 models together to create a pair of

00:23:46 ~ 00:23:49 tabby sneakers truth be told I never
truth be told 正直に言うと

00:23:49 ~ 00:23:50 expected to see Margiela working with

00:23:50 ~ 00:23:52 Reebok but the outcome has been

00:23:52 ~ 00:23:54 interesting to say the least and I’m
to say the least 控えめに言っても◆文頭で用いられた場合の訳例

00:23:54 ~ 00:23:56 curious to see what else if anything

00:23:56 ~ 00:23:58 comes of this partnership more generally
come of ~から生じる、~の結果として生じる、~の結果である、~から起こる、~に起因する、~の出である、~に生まれる、~の子孫である

00:23:58 ~ 00:24:00 I’m curious to see if Margiela will form

00:24:00 ~ 00:24:02 any new partnerships in the future

00:24:02 ~ 00:24:04 between working with the likes of H&M
the likes of 同様の種類

00:24:04 ~ 00:24:06 Reebok and Kanye it seems that pretty

00:24:06 ~ 00:24:08 much anything is on the table so this is
on the table 〔議案・計画などが〕検討中で、審議中で

00:24:08 ~ 00:24:10 something that I will be paying very

00:24:10 ~ 00:24:11 close attention to
pay close attention to ~に細心の注意を払う、~を注視する

00:24:11 ~ 00:24:13 so that just about brings us to present
present day 現代

00:24:13 ~ 00:24:15 day as far as the brand is concerned but

00:24:15 ~ 00:24:17 there’s still one question left

00:24:17 ~ 00:24:18 unanswered

00:24:18 ~ 00:24:20 where is Martin Margiela now

00:24:20 ~ 00:24:23 well after leaving the label in 2008 he

00:24:23 ~ 00:24:24 just about fell off the face of the
fell off the face of the Earth 完全に消える、地球上から姿を消す

00:24:24 ~ 00:24:26 earth we didn’t hear much from him while

00:24:26 ~ 00:24:28 he was still active so you can imagine

00:24:28 ~ 00:24:30 how much we heard from him once he

00:24:30 ~ 00:24:33 retired but in 2021 after being away for

00:24:33 ~ 00:24:36 nearly 13 years he unexpectedly broke
break one’s silence 沈黙を破る

00:24:36 ~ 00:24:37 his silence

00:24:37 ~ 00:24:39 no he was not making his return to

00:24:39 ~ 00:24:41 fashion but instead he revealed that

00:24:41 ~ 00:24:43 he’d spent his time away making art

00:24:43 ~ 00:24:45 he hosted an exhibit in paris to display

00:24:45 ~ 00:24:48 a series of sculptures paintings and

00:24:48 ~ 00:24:49 installations that gave us a rare

00:24:49 ~ 00:24:51 glimpse into how he perceives the world
glimpse ちらっと見ること、一目、一見、垣間見ること、〔ある物のわずかな〕兆候、気配、しるし
perceive 〔目や耳などの感覚で~に〕気付く、〔目や耳などの感覚で~を〕見抜く、~を理解[把握]する、~だと分かる

00:24:51 ~ 00:24:52 around him

00:24:52 ~ 00:24:54 you can see a few of the pieces here and

00:24:54 ~ 00:24:56 they really are thought provoking it’s
provoke 〔~を〕引き起こす、招く、起こさせる、誘発する

00:24:56 ~ 00:24:58 not exactly clear if this exhibit was

00:24:58 ~ 00:25:00 just a one-time venture into the world

00:25:00 ~ 00:25:01 of art but from what I’ve read it took

00:25:01 ~ 00:25:03 him three years to put all of this
put together 〔部品や部分を〕組み立てる、〔考えを〕まとめる、〔出し物を〕企画する

00:25:03 ~ 00:25:04 together so it sounds like he’s taking

00:25:04 ~ 00:25:07 this pretty seriously and while you
take ~ seriously ~を真面目[真剣・真摯]に受け止める[考える]、(人)の話を真面目に聞く、~を重要視[重大視]する、~を真に受ける、~を本気にする、~を本当にする、~にむきになる、~を決して軽視しない

00:25:07 ~ 00:25:08 should never say never this tells me

00:25:08 ~ 00:25:11 that he really has moved on from fashion

00:25:11 ~ 00:25:13 it’s a bit unfortunate because I know

00:25:13 ~ 00:25:14 for a fact that he’s still capable of

00:25:14 ~ 00:25:16 putting together amazing collections but

00:25:16 ~ 00:25:18 at the same time I know he made the

00:25:18 ~ 00:25:19 right decision

00:25:19 ~ 00:25:21 the influence of his work can still be

00:25:21 ~ 00:25:23 seen throughout the fashion industry

00:25:23 ~ 00:25:25 today and I think that it will be for a

00:25:25 ~ 00:25:27 very long time to come because if you’ve

00:25:27 ~ 00:25:28 learned anything from our discussion

00:25:28 ~ 00:25:30 today it should be this

00:25:30 ~ 00:25:32 people may call Margiela the invisible

00:25:32 ~ 00:25:37 man but that doesn’t mean he’s not there

00:25:54 ~ 00:25:56 foreign

